@adeopura4 hope below can help you .cropper-view-box { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #39f; border-radius: 50%; outline: 0; } .cropper-face { background-color:inherit !important; }
@maurobilotti thanks your suggestion, but got the cropped image shifted down and out the boundary.
I put jquery.js script before any angularjs to fix the problem. @alexandre-janniaux
I also got the same problem in Safari, and now use JS to implement chunk function to replace chunkBy.
LB always return 0 for Count on embedded models
use jwt_decode to get email....but i don't know how to get full name e.g. var decoded = jwt_decode(result.identityToken); console.log(JSON.stringify(decoded)); console.log(;
I also use ionic v1, i put below code inside the $ionicPlatform.ready in app.js window.handleOpenURL = function (url) { setTimeout(function() { alert("received url: " + url); }, 0); };
@gasci sorry I use cordiva-ios 4.5.5 Must use the timer in my case