Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten

Results 69 issues of Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten

I’ve noticed a bunch of folks maintaining derivative forks of radiusplugin. I’d love to have a single authoritative place where new maintenance happens. I haven’t started merging people’s work, but...

Neither `rake` nor `rake spec` works, or even gets to running specs.


It would be awesome to be able to traverse wikipedia with the tab stack! I don't have a clue how to properly implement this though.

I don't know if marathon is ready to start joining core, but if it is I'd like to help with the process. If we want to not actually be in...


I'm investigating failing builds in travis, and noticed Most tests are passing, but for `UNIT_AND_LINT=1`: ``` source install on ubuntu 16.04 templates systemd unit file (FAILED - 1) Failures:...

There is nothing here:

Need the ability to add a repo and specify a key

I'd love to start playing with configi, noticed there isn't an obvious tutorial, introduction or getting-started-guide on I think it would be great to at least say how to...