Joseph Guillaume
Joseph Guillaume
Calls observed.default, which calls fitted.runlist and residuals.runlist neither of which have a select argument. No effect is seen when using xyplot.runlist because it calls xyplot.list which calls observed.hydromad on each...
Most of these are to external optional packages, and may need to address #61 first > Missing link or links in documentation object 'BinghamTrib.Rd': > 'DonnybrookTemp' > > Missing link...
Snow documentation says E is "time series of potential evapo-transpiration, or more typically, temperature as an indicator of this." Internally, snow.sim actually assumes it is temperature
- Description missing - References would be useful - Details may not be necessary?
Sacramento is a complex model with several run paths. While the R and C implementation pass the current test, there may still be errors for some initial conditions. The treatment...
R implementation of sacramento by Anshika Shristi
We've adopted styler and tidyverse style as is, but there are some rules we may want to change.
lintr: > ##[warning]functions should have cyclomatic complexity of less than 15