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Fortran 95 JSON Parser
Fortran 95 JSON Parser
Getting Started
program example1
! Typical usage should only require an explicit use of the fson module.
! The other modules will be used privately by fson as required.
use fson
! declare a pointer variable. Always use a pointer with fson_value.
type(fson_value), pointer :: value
! parse the json file
value => fson_parse("test1.json")
! print the parsed data to the console
call fson_print(value)
! extract data from the parsed value
! clean up
call fson_destroy(value)
end program example1
Example JSON
This JSON will serve as a reference for the following examples.
If you are not already familiar with JSON you can read more at:
http://www.json.org/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON.
"name" : {"first": "John", "last" : "Smith"},
"age" : 25,
"address" :
{ "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city" : "New York",
"state" : "NY",
"postalCode" : "10021"},
[ {"type" : "home", "number": "212 555-1234"},
{"type" : "fax", "number": "646 555-4567"} ]
Extracting Data
Getting the data from the parsed fson_value to your variable is easy. All extraction is performed through a call to fson_get().
This subroutine is overloaded for different target value types.
program example1
! The fson mudule has the basic parser and lookup
use fson
! Functions for accessing data as an array
use fson_value_m, only: fson_value_count, fson_value_get
character(len=1024) :: strval, strval2
integer i
! Declare a pointer variables. Always use a pointer with fson_value.
type(fson_value), pointer :: json_data, array, item
! Parse the json file
json_data => fson_parse("test1.json")
! Get the first and last name and print them
call fson_get(json_data, "name.first", strval)
call fson_get(json_data, "name.last", strval2)
print *, "name.first = ", trim(strval)
print *, "name.last = ", trim(strval2)
! Use a lookup string to get the first phone number
call fson_get(json_data, "PhoneNumber[1].number", strval)
print *, "PhoneNumber[1].number = ", trim(strval)
print *, ""
! Get the phone numbers as an array
call fson_get(json_data, "PhoneNumber", array)
! Loop through each array item
do i = 1, fson_value_count(array)
! Get the array item (this is an associative array)
item => fson_value_get(array, i)
! Lookup the values from the array
call fson_get(item, "type", strval)
call fson_get(item, "number", strval2)
! Print out the values
print *, "Phone Number:"
print *, "type = ", trim(strval), ", number = ", trim(strval2)
end do
! clean up
call fson_destroy(json_data)
end program example1
The program output is the following:
name.first = John
name.last = Smith
PhoneNumber[1].number = 212555-1234
Phone Number:
type = home, number = 212555-1234
Phone Number:
type = fax, number = 646555-4567
Extracting arrays
You can also extract entire arrays, as Fortran allocatable arrays, using fson_get(). This assumes the array's elements are all of the same type (integer, real, double precision, logical or character). Rank-1 (vector) or rank-2 (matrix) arrays are supported.
The following example parses a JSON file containing an vector of integers called "v" and a matrix of real numbers called "m", and prints them:
program extract_array
use fson
implicit none
type(fson_value), pointer :: data
integer, allocatable :: vec(:)
real, allocatable :: mat(:,:)
data => fson_parse("data.json")
call fson_get(data, "v", vec)
call fson_get(data, "m", mat)
print *, vec
print *, mat
call fson_destroy(data)
deallocate(vec, mat)
end program extract_array
When extracting character arrays, it is necessary to specify a string length when the array is declared, e.g.:
integer, parameter :: str_len = 8
character(len = str_len), allocatable :: m(:)
data => fson_parse("data.json")
call fson_get(data, "char_array", m)
| Operator | Description |
| $ | Root object/value |
| . | Child operator |
| [] | Array element |
Three methods for installing FSON are provided: a regular Makefile, a Meson build, and a CMake build. Below we give a brief overview of how to use each one.
Installing via Makefile is simply a matter of opening the provided
, updating the appropriate variables near the top, and running
make install
For the Makefile build, unit tests can be run using the
FRUIT library,
together with FRUITPy which is
a Python interface to FRUIT. When these are installed, the
script in the FSON base directory can be run to execute
the unit tests.
For a more automated installation, see one of the following installation methods.
Once Meson and Ninja are installed on your system, FSON may be built, tested and installed as follows:
meson build
cd build
ninja test # optional unit tests
ninja install
For the Meson build, the unit tests use the Zofu library. If this is not already installed on your system, it will be built as a Meson subproject of FSON.
See the Meson documentation for more information on customizing the build (e.g. specifying the install directory, build optimization etc.).
The provided CMakeLists.txt
runs with CMake 3 to configure, build and
install FSON. The simplest means to build and install using CMake is to
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake3 ..
make test # optional unit tests
make install
However, all of the command options available to CMake are supported.
For example, to enable building shared libraries use the
flag and to override the installation
. Thus the command
would configure FSON to build a shared library and install under your home directory.
Once FSON has been built and installed, you can import it into your CMake supported project using
target_link_libraries(mytarget FSON::FSON)
The CMake build require CMake version 3.6.1 or higher and git
1.6.5 or newer. It may work with older versions of CMake, but this is
what has been tested.
Some platforms are unable to build the Zofu dependency, but the library builds correctly. On these platforms, use
to disable the unit tests.