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Proof of concept open source Amazon Athena
An Open Source Amazon Athena Proof of Concept
- Apache Drill
- Apache Zookeeper
- Minio
- Kubernetes
Ordered Installation
Install Minio
//Run these three commands (Thanks: https://github.com/kubernetes/examples/blob/master/staging/storage/minio/README.md)
kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/examples/storage/minio/minio-standalone-pvc.yaml?raw=true
kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/examples/storage/minio/minio-standalone-deployment.yaml?raw=true
kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/examples/storage/minio/minio-standalone-service.yaml?raw=true
//You can also use the distributed mode found in the linked README above.
Install Zookeeper
kubectl create -f zookeeper.yaml
// thanks https://github.com/vitillo/minipipe
Install Apache Drill
kubectl create -f drill.yaml
Final Steps
- Add the bank-data.csv file to Minio
- Edit and enable s3 in Apache Drill Admin Console
- Query File
- To add the CSV to Minio, you need to port-forward your minio pod
, create a bucket named "data" and add the bank-data.csv file from the repo.
- To edit and enable s3. You must port forward your Drill pod
and add the s3.json config to the s3 storage service.
- Use the Drillbit interface to query the file
select * from s3.`bank-data.csv`;
You can get the JDBC or ODBC connection for Drill by following the intrusctions here.