JoséLuis Torres
JoséLuis Torres
I'm having issues to truncate tables in different schemas but the same DBs as well, is this even supported? cc @joevandyk @bmabey
Ok nevermind, it worked for me in rspec like this: ``` # spec_helper config.before :suite do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation, {:only => %w[my_table_in_schema1 my_table_in_schema2]} end config.after :suite do DatabaseCleaner.clean end ```...
I had to explicitly call the helpers I need from ApplicationController to make it work: ``` helper :bootstrap_flash helper :location ``` I also forked the repo to custom the S3...
Oh @michaelkeenan sorry for delay, no I couldn' figure it out I had to manually add each helper to make it work, I'll try your workaround
it worked for me too! :+1: :dancers: thanks @michaelkeenan!
I was notified of that 100% and beyond issue as well, I'm going to include and test that in our fork Thanks @michaelkeenan @garman