Jose Gutierro
Jose Gutierro
Hi @haydencleary Thank you for your feedback but still the same behaviour with ``` const { t } = useTranslation(); t("home:hero.title") ``` 😰
Hello @haydencleary this works! Thank you so much, you made my day! 🎉
Thank you @aralroca I will test it asap and I'll come back to you.
#203 We did a PR with the @YisaHsu solution, we can confirm it's working on Android 11 and lower.
I think that you are right @sergeche , have you find the way add the config to VSCode?
Thank you @sergeche for the moment I'm using this extension [**nativeEmmet**]( Is not really Emmet but there are a lot of snippets with tab completion. [Here's the full list](
+1 with this issue
same here
same here