python-github-backup copied to clipboard
Github-backup in 140 repository org backups nothing
github-backup prai-org -t _TOKEN_redacted --organization --private --all
2022-05-20T14:57:20.874: Backing up user prai-org to /home/mars/github_backup 2022-05-20T14:57:20.874: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:21.094: Retrieving repositories 2022-05-20T14:57:21.095: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:22.566: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:23.295: Filtering repositories 2022-05-20T14:57:23.296: Backing up repositories 2022-05-20T14:57:23.296: Retrieving prai-org starred repositories 2022-05-20T14:57:23.296: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:23.556: Writing 0 starred repositories to disk 2022-05-20T14:57:23.557: Retrieving prai-org watched repositories 2022-05-20T14:57:23.557: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:23.854: Writing 0 watched repositories to disk 2022-05-20T14:57:23.855: Retrieving prai-org-ai followers 2022-05-20T14:57:23.856: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:24.117: Writing 0 followers to disk 2022-05-20T14:57:24.117: Retrieving prai-org following 2022-05-20T14:57:24.118: Requesting 2022-05-20T14:57:24.375: Writing 0 following to disk
This does a lot of nothing, a verbose flag would be important, why it is not backing up any of the 140 repositories. A verbose flag (in my experience EVERY software needs it) would show what is being filtered and why it is just filtering everything, even when specifying --all
I'm a little confused, it says backing up user, but it actually means organization right? Because if I use the user instead of the org name, it can't find that.
It looks like there might be a bug with case sensitivity. Is the name of the organization all lowercase prai-org
Just wanted to jump in and support @whwright's hypothesis. I was backing up my organizations and noticed the same thing, it is indeed case sensitive and matching how github shows it on the URL to the organization fixed the issue for me.
I hit the same, turns out that I inverted streetcomplete and StreetComplete
Maybe it could show an error message "no such organization" or "no such repository" instead of showing logs that look like processing empty org?