Fuck icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Fuck copied to clipboard

The Esoteric Insult Language

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Description: The purpose of "Fuck" (capital F) is to provide a programming language to insult people, but still allow the recipient to decipher what you're really trying to say.

Dependencies: This language has two implementations.


This is a linux script pointing to /usr/bin/lua. This script has been tested with lua5.1. For aptitude users please use: sudo apt-get install lua5.1


This is a linux script pointing to /usr/bin/php. This script has been tested with php5-cli. For aptitude users please use: sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli

Operation: Fuck reads every word until it finds a valid command. Once it has a command it will read until it finds a valid argument type (var|label|raw).

Usage: fuck [options] input Options: -d|--debug Enable debug mode to show how the code is being rendered. -c|--clean Run the code using the clean reserved words. -h|--help Display this information

Types: .. A variable as defined with fuck (table_init) .. A series of characters without a space

Commands: fuck (table_init) arguments: description: Initializes as a variable.

fucking (table_set) arguments: description: Sets 's value to .

fucked (table_mod) arguments: var:1 var:2 description: If var:1 and var:2 are numbers, it adds them, otherwise it concatenates var:1 with var:2.

unfucking (table_input) arguments: description: Store input from keyboard into .

unfucked (table_output) arguments: description: Print to stdout.

motherfuck (label_define) arguments: description: Initializes as a variable.

motherfucking (label_jump) arguments:

motherfucked (label_branch) arguments: