Jose A. G. Varela
Jose A. G. Varela
Hi there, I'm pretty new to the project, I'm still starting to understand it, but I think you need to use the function Chem.MolToPDBBlock function before calling MolFromPDBBlock . You...
Hi @urekam712 , I think the problem you have in your code has to do with the way you define the pdb variable, because you are putting a string without...
Could you explain me briefly what you intend to solve in the ticket? it seems that you want to move or wrapper the calculations done in rdMolDescriptors to Descriptors but...
Hi Greg, I'm looking for a ticket to get started but I think this one is solved too, right? at least I've already seen the implementation of the _legacy* functions...
@urekam712 could this ticket be closed?
This ticket can be closed
Hi there , problem is related with this fragment .... [C@@H]3N([C@H]4.... ,if you use .... [C@H]3N([C@H]4.... seems work fine. To revise by @greglandrum
You're welcome @alkorolyov-selvita
This ticket can be closed
Hi @thegodone, I have just tested your code and can include more information about stacktracke associated : ```pyton **** Invariant Violation could not find probe element Violation occurred on line...