propagating-hammerjs copied to clipboard
Extend hammer.js with event propagation
How to use with these angular versions?
I am facing issue with "panmove". when i swipe bottom to top and top to bottom its not work first time. I have used Hammerjs with backbonejs hybrid mobile app....
Hi, is the domEvents setting required to be set to true? i have been unable to get propagating to work without this setting (no events being triggered at all..) but...
With original hammerjs, i can pan multi elements at same time. But with propagating() multi touch does not work, can pan only one element at a time
Hi, I'm working on `react` app (in fact `preact` but doesn't matter so much) and I add points inside of some plane(``). Points and the plane can be dragged independently...
I have been using hammer along with propagating js in my project. I have a overflow scroll for a div enabled and pan recognizers to it at multiple levels. Use...
How can I get this to work with the jquery plugin for hammer 2.0? If I use the hammer plugin propagation doesn't work. If I don't use the hammer plugin...