Results 98 comments of josch

@pazz with a couple of threads with a few hundred emails each in the result, alot easily takes 30 seconds or more to show the results. The bottleneck is not...

I tracked down the issue to the following 2-liner in C: double convert(double a, double b) { return a/b; } int main() { printf("%.15f\n", 35e9 - convert(35, 1.0e-9)); } On...

The culprit might be the 80bit x87 register on i386 platforms. There are several ways forward that fix the problem: - compile with `-ffloat-store` which might make fuzzylite very slow...

In Debian I now solved the problem with this patch: ```diff --- fuzzylite-6.0+dfsg.orig/fuzzylite/test/BenchmarkTest.cpp +++ fuzzylite-6.0+dfsg/fuzzylite/test/BenchmarkTest.cpp @@ -96,7 +96,17 @@ namespace fl { CHECK(Op::isEq(1.0, Benchmark::convert(1000.0, Benchmark::MilliSeconds, Benchmark::Seconds))); FL_LOG(Benchmark::convert(1000.0, Benchmark::MilliSeconds, Benchmark::Seconds)); -...

In `fuzzylite/fl/fuzzylite.h` you write: #define FL__FILE__ std::string(__FILE__).substr(std::string(FL_BUILD_PATH).size()) With: add_definitions(-DFL_BUILD_PATH="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") This will remove the source directory from what the user sees when any path is being printed but it will still...

You might be able to use `cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH [BASE_DIRECTORY ] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE ])` from similar to how it is done here:

Alternatively, since all sources are in the `fuzzylite` directory, you could also use cmake to find the right-most instance of `/fuzzylite/` in the source file path and strip away anything...

Okay, I indeed did not know that `display` was only meant to display raw pixel values. By the same logic, the `compare` tool probably also is meant to only compare...

When I use RMSE, then on s390x I get `15779.7 (0.240782)`. I also don't have a s390x machine around, so I'm using qemu instead. I was made aware of this...

The files gs-1.tiff and gs-1.pnm are indeed identical as expected. Here the output of `identify -verbose gs-1.pnm`: ``` Image: Filename: gs-1.pnm Format: PPM (Portable pixmap format (color)) Mime type: image/x-portable-pixmap...