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A collection of one-click self-hosted AI

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Self-Hosted AI

The API interface of this project is compatible with openai, and various open-source projects using openai can be easily adapted. In addition, I also call on everyone to develop compatible API interfaces in a similar way, which is conducive to the development of related applications.

Go to release to download packaged files

Use update.bat to update (without models)

Define the ngrok_token environment variable to expose the API to the internet

Usage Example

Go to, and switch to the following API mode to quickly experience:


  1. RWKV

  2. ChatGLM 6B Int4

    • Offline
      • This package is based on ChatGLM, open-sourced under the Apache-2.0 license. The built-in model is a trimmed version of
      • After unzipping, double-click on the corresponding model file to run. For example, llama.bat to run the llama model, or chatglm.bat to run the chatglm model.
    • Self-Hosted
      • Click the link above to go to Huggingface, copy the space, switch the CPU to the second 8-core for a fast experience, at this time the API address is, [your name]-[repository name], for example, if I copy and set the name to test, then my URL would be
    • When used with ChatGPTBox, the model name needs to be set to chatglm-6b-int4
  3. llama.cpp

    • Offline
      • This package is based on llama.cpp. Built-in command line interactive program is the version I modified to support unicode input on windows, the built-in model is from Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca
      • Run in WSL or Linux environment to get models. If you already have the model, directly replace the models/llama.cpp/ggml-model-q4_0.bin file.
      • After unzipping, double-click on the corresponding model file to run. For example, llama.bat to run the llama model, or chatglm.bat to run the chatglm model.
    • When used with ChatGPTBox, the model name needs to be set to llama-7b-int4


  1. stable-diffusion-webui
    • This project comes with a one-click installer, download link:
    • Installation steps for other systems:
    • For Windows, after downloading and unzipping the above installer, double-click update.bat, and then run run.bat. Subsequently, you can directly run run.bat for future launches (at least one model needs to be downloaded for normal startup).
    • You can find the model you want to use at and download it. Place the model in the webui\models\Stable-diffusion directory and place the VAE model in the webui\models\VAE directory.
    • Next, open your browser and visit
    • You may need to set the VAE you downloaded in Settings -> Stable Diffusion -> SD VAE.

Integrated Applications

  1. text-generation-webui

    • This project comes with some one-click installers, download link: Simply choose the zip file corresponding to your system and download it.
  2. Wenda

    • This project provides a packaged program, download link:
    • Steps for use: