Bugdom copied to clipboard
Trying to create a desktop starter for my bugdom build
[Desktop Entry] Name=Bugdom GenericName=3D Game Comment=Game Exec=./home/pi/Desktop/Bugdom/build/Bugdom Icon=/home/pi/bugdom.png Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=false Categories=Game
Also doesn’t work when I remove the dot before the exec command
What's not working exactly? Are you getting any errors?
You may have to write a launcher script that cd's into the right directory so the game can find its assets. You can look at how the AUR package for Bugdom does it.
Poking @jpenguin because I think he has XP with this stuff as well.
You can either install the bugdom executable in /usr/lib/bugdom and use
cd /usr/lib/bugdom/; ./Bugdom
to launch the game or put a launcher in the same directory as the executable and data folder with
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")";./Bugdom
How do I install it to that directory? I did everything (git clone, cmake build) on /home/user/Desktop
Can I just use the mv command ? Do I move the entire Bugdom build folder to /usr/lib ?
I had tried to create a .desktop starter file on my Desktop but it gave me either error window/message or just showed a terminal for a second and then closed.
cd to your build directory
To install
mkdir -p /usr/lib/Budom/
mv {Data,%{name}} /usr/lib/Budom/
echo -e '#!/usr/bin/sh\n\ncd /usr/lib/Budom/;./Budom' > '/usr/bin/Budom.sh'
chmod +x /Budom
or without installing
echo -e '#!/usr/bin/sh\n\ncd "cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")";./Bugdom' > ./Run.sh
(These cript have not been tested) Then just point the desktop file to Bugdom.sh or Run.sh
Thanks @jpenguin ! I got it to work.
I wanted bugdom to autostart after my raspberry pi has booted up but when I put the .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart Bugdom does start after the desktop has initialized but we don’t have Control over the mouse and Keyboard anymore. I already searched for fixes…but I experience the same behavior when using .config/lxsession/lxde/autostart etc.
Or I guess I should try doing it through systemd?