edn-data icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
edn-data copied to clipboard

EDN parser and generator that works with plain JS data, with support for TS and node streams

Results 4 edn-data issues
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To generate valid EDN, we need to validate what characters are allowed in keywords and symbols when generating EDN. They also must contain not more than one slash, which is...

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good first issue

We could further restrict the return type by parametrizing the function and using a conditional type on the options for parsing the different data types. This would help a user...

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They are their escape sequence as explained here: https://github.com/edn-format/edn#characters We would transform them to actual unicode in JS.

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good first issue

I'd like to use this library in the squint playground. It seems I'm only able to do this via esm.sh: [example](https://squint-cljs.github.io/squint/?repl=true&src=KHJlcXVpcmUgJ1siaHR0cHM6Ly9lc20uc2gvZWRuLWRhdGFAMS4xLjEvZGlzdC9pbmRleC5qcyIgOmFzIGVkbl0pCgooZWRuL3BhcnNlRUROU3RyaW5nICJ7OmEgMSA6YiAjezpmb28gOmJhciA6YmF6fSA6YyAjaW5zdCBcIjIwMDBcIn0iCiAgezptYXBBcyA6b2JqZWN0IDprZXl3b3JkQXMgOnN0cmluZyA6c2V0QXMgOnNldH0p) The esm.sh service rewrites all the module.exports + require...