Felix Pahl
Felix Pahl
Wenn ich einen neuen Änderungsantrag stelle (z.B. https://bdk.antragsgruen.de/39/motion/125/amendment/create), gibt es ein Zeitfenster von einigen Sekunden, in dem ich Änderungen (sowohl Einfügung als auch Streichung) im Text vornehmen kann, ohne dass...
Currently, furigana on the page don't seem to influence which dictionary entries are shown and in which order. The entries that match the furigana should be at the top of...
It seems that currently, if the page contains furigana, they are ignored, and the furigana for the {sentence-furigana} variable for Anki notes are instead guessed from the top dictionary entries....
[README.md](https://github.com/FooSoft/yomichan/blob/master/README.md) and the Anki settings confuse the terms "note" and "card" (see [the Anki docs](https://docs.ankiweb.net/getting-started.html#key-concepts)). For example, here they're used correctly: https://github.com/FooSoft/yomichan/blob/f2102ade4cfe97be4182bb22d1ae4f609d2364a7/ext/settings.html#L1702-L1703 whereas here notes are referred to as "cards":...
**Description** I'm reading [these stories](https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/japanese-graded-readers-n4-the-north-wind-and-the-sun), where entires sentences with periods are quoted in 「」. If I create an Anki card for a term in a sentence after such a quote...
The foreign data for German (and other languages) is missing in AtomicCards.json for the following cards: Ezuri's Archers: Ezuris Bogenschützen Copperhorn Scout: Kupferhornspäher Kiln Fiend: Meiler-Unhold Act of Heroism: Heldentat...
We're trying to make our site GDPR-compliant, and I came across two privacy issues with this app. The first is simply that avatar image files aren't deleted when a user...
First of all, thank you so much for this tool – it’s obviously very useful. The [usage section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Flominator/WikiBlame#Usage) says “Versions that contain the searched string are marked with OOO, while...
The German name of "Psychic Strike" is misspelled as "Psychicher Schlag"; it should be "Psychischer Schlag" with an extra 's' (as seen on the card image). See https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=366947. The instructions...
### Exact URL of where the bug happened https://lichess.org/sGXP3wy0/black#41 ### Steps to reproduce the bug Unfortunately I can’t reproduce the bug. When I open the URL in a new tab,...