Jorge Orpinel

Results 388 comments of Jorge Orpinel

Do we need a separate issue to specifically prevent this workaround? B/c if I thought about it someone else may figure it out and it can lead to some hard-to-predict...

> that's what git add --force does by definition? Not without `git commit`. In this scenario people would stage the secrets specifically because we copy staged (not committed) files into...

> pipeline stage with the command set to .venv/bin/python Any script used in `cmd` run should be listed under `deps` right? In this case pretty tricky as .venv/ is...

> I don't add /usr/bin/bash as a pipeline dependency. That seems different. `.venv/bin/python` is a relative path inside the workspace. > in real world use cases, not everyone is gitignoring...

> At the moment, the only possibility is to git add -f / git remove. @jdonzallaz again please be aware that the files will end up in the Git history...

> being able to cache data locally only (data gets ignored by dvc push and pull Yep, I think that's the idea that's forming in

Hi! Another idea from is to setup some mechanism (e.g. env vars) so that queued experiments can use certain assets from the original workspace directly (without moving them to...

Another user has expressed a use case for supporting env vars in stage/pipeline files. Context: > I want to create a dvc stage with code from a third-party python...

Another user expressed interest in this feature implicitly in > what if I want to execute pipeline for another dataset, should I do it manually? change params.yaml and other...

> When I queue up multiple experiments with dvc exp run ... --queue and then run them with dvc run --run-all I get an error that ./build/virtualenv/bin/rasa is not found....