json_struct copied to clipboard
serial a class' private member
i try to serial a class like this,
class a{
std::string b;
a my_a;
auto json_string_a = JS::serializeStruct(my_a);
it works fine.
but when i add a private member c
class a{
std::string b;
std::string c;
the complier says it can NOT access private member. so, how can i make it work again ?
Yes, the serializer and parser needs access to the members. The parser and serializer will use member pointers declared by the JS_OBJ_EXT macro. There is however, a trick. If you use a "internal" JS_OBJ structure and make that public, then the serializer and parser can use that to access the members. Check out this godbolt that shows this: https://godbolt.org/z/7WznYTPn8
wath if I can NOT edit the source code of class a ? and provide function c() and set_c() like this. https://github.com/USNavalResearchLaboratory/simdissdk/blob/main/SDK/simCore/Calc/Vec3.h
/* -*- mode: c++ -*- */
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* Developed by: Naval Research Laboratory, Tactical Electronic Warfare Div.
* EW Modeling & Simulation, Code 5773
* 4555 Overlook Ave.
* Washington, D.C. 20375-5339
* License for source code is in accompanying LICENSE.txt file. If you did
* not receive a LICENSE.txt with this code, email [email protected].
* The U.S. Government retains all rights to use, duplicate, distribute,
* disclose, or release this software.
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
namespace simCore
// Header only class; doesn't need to be exported
/// (static sized) vector of three doubles
class Vec3
/// Default constructor gives {0,0,0}
Vec3() { }
* Value constructor
* @param[in] v0 The component at index 0; pos/ori/vel/acc
* @param[in] v1 The component at index 1; pos/ori/vel/acc
* @param[in] v2 The component at index 2; pos/ori/vel/acc
Vec3(double v0, double v1, double v2) { set(v0, v1, v2); }
* Value constructor
* @param[in] v Vector elements
* @pre valid input pointer, if not valid internal elements are set to zero
explicit Vec3(const double v[3])
if (v == nullptr)
set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
/**@name Copy and move operators and assignment
* @{
Vec3(const Vec3& rhs) = default;
Vec3(Vec3&& rhs) = default;
Vec3& operator=(const Vec3& rhs) = default;
Vec3& operator=(Vec3&& rhs) = default;
/// Equality
bool operator==(const Vec3& value) const
if (&value == this) return true;
return (v_[0] == value.v_[0] && v_[1] == value.v_[1] && v_[2] == value.v_[2]);
/// Inequality
bool operator!=(const Vec3& value) const
return !operator==(value);
/// Set vector elements to zero
void zero() { v_[0] = v_[1] = v_[2] = 0; }
/**@name Read and Write Access
* @{
/// Behave like an array
double operator[](size_t index) const
assert(index < 3);
if (index > 2)
index = 2;
return v_[index];
/// Behave like an array
double& operator[](size_t index)
assert(index < 3);
if (index > 2)
index = 2;
return v_[index];
/// Copy contents to a double[3] pointer
void toD3(double dVec[3]) const
if (dVec == nullptr) return;
dVec[0] = v_[0]; dVec[1] = v_[1]; dVec[2] = v_[2];
/// Set first element component
void setV0(double value) { v_[0] = value; }
/// Set second element component
void setV1(double value) { v_[1] = value; }
/// Set third element component
void setV2(double value) { v_[2] = value; }
/// Set all elements
void set(double v0, double v1, double v2) { v_[0] = v0; v_[1] = v1; v_[2] = v2; }
/// Set all elements
void set(const Vec3& value) { v_[0] = value[0]; v_[1] = value[1]; v_[2] = value[2]; }
/// Scales all elements
void scale(double value) { v_[0] *= value; v_[1] *= value; v_[2] *= value; }
/**@name Mappings for {x,y,z}, {yaw,pitch,roll}, etc.
* @{
double x() const { return v_[0]; }
double y() const { return v_[1]; }
double z() const { return v_[2]; }
double lat() const { return v_[0]; }
double lon() const { return v_[1]; }
double alt() const { return v_[2]; }
double range() const { return v_[0]; }
double raeAz() const { return v_[1]; }
double raeEl() const { return v_[2]; }
double yaw() const { return v_[0]; }
double pitch() const { return v_[1]; }
double roll() const { return v_[2]; }
double psi() const { return v_[0]; }
double theta() const { return v_[1]; }
double phi() const { return v_[2]; }
void setX(double value) { setV0(value); }
void setY(double value) { setV1(value); }
void setZ(double value) { setV2(value); }
void setLat(double value) { setV0(value); }
void setLon(double value) { setV1(value); }
void setAlt(double value) { setV2(value); }
void setRange(double value) { setV0(value); }
void setRaeAz(double value) { setV1(value); }
void setRaeEl(double value) { setV2(value); }
void setYaw(double value) { setV0(value); }
void setPitch(double value) { setV1(value); }
void setRoll(double value) { setV2(value); }
void setPsi(double value) { setV0(value); }
void setTheta(double value) { setV1(value); }
void setPhi(double value) { setV2(value); }
/**@name Convenience operator overrides
* @{
/** Add vectors */
Vec3 operator+(const Vec3& r) const { return Vec3(x() + r.x(), y() + r.y(), z() + r.z()); }
/** Add and assign vector */
Vec3& operator+=(const Vec3& r) { set(x() + r.x(), y() + r.y(), z() + r.z()); return *this; }
/** Subtract vectors */
Vec3 operator-(const Vec3& r) const { return Vec3(x() - r.x(), y() - r.y(), z() - r.z()); }
/** Subtract and assign vector */
Vec3& operator-=(const Vec3& r) { set(x() - r.x(), y() - r.y(), z() - r.z()); return *this; }
/** Scale by a value */
Vec3 operator*(double scalar) const { return Vec3(x() * scalar, y() * scalar, z() * scalar); }
/** Scale by a value and assign vector */
Vec3& operator*=(double scalar) { set(x() * scalar, y() * scalar, z() * scalar); return *this; }
/** Divide by a value */
Vec3 operator/(double divisor) const {
if (divisor == 0.) return Vec3();
return Vec3(x() / divisor, y() / divisor, z() / divisor);
/** Divide by a value and assign vector */
Vec3& operator/=(double divisor) {
if (divisor == 0.)
set(x() / divisor, y() / divisor, z() / divisor);
return *this;
/** Negate vector */
Vec3 operator-() const { return Vec3(-x(), -y(), -z()); }
/** Calculates the dot product of this vector and another vector */
double dot(const Vec3& r) const { return x() * r.x() + y() * r.y() + z() * r.z(); }
/** Calculates the cross product of this vector and another vector */
Vec3 cross(const Vec3& r) const {
return Vec3(v_[1] * r.v_[2] - v_[2] * r.v_[1],
v_[2] * r.v_[0] - v_[0] * r.v_[2],
v_[0] * r.v_[1] - v_[1] * r.v_[0]);
/** Calculates the length of the vector */
double length() const { return std::sqrt(x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z()); }
/** Calculates the unit length of the vector by normalizing; values within specified tolerance are set to 0. */
Vec3 normalize(double t = 1.0e-9) const {
const double len = length();
if (len == 0.)
return Vec3();
Vec3 rv = *this;
rv /= len;
if (std::fabs(rv.x()) < t) rv.setX(0.);
if (std::fabs(rv.y()) < t) rv.setY(0.);
if (std::fabs(rv.z()) < t) rv.setZ(0.);
return rv;
double v_[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
} // namespace simCore
#endif /* SIMCORE_CALC_VEC3_H */
i think i shoud define my own serialization and deserialization like this, https://github.com/jorgen/json_struct/blob/master/examples/08_custom_types.cpp
and got this
namespace JS {
struct TypeHandler<simCore::Vec3>
static inline Error to(simCore::Vec3& to_type, ParseContext& context)
char* pointer;
unsigned long value = strtoul(context.token.value.data, &pointer, 10);
return Error::NoError;
static void from(const simCore::Vec3& from_type, Token& token, Serializer& serializer)
std::string buf = "{"
+ std::to_string(from_type.x())
+ std::to_string(from_type.y())
+ std::to_string(from_type.z())
+ "}";
token.value_type = Type::ObjectEnd;
token.value.data = buf.data();
token.value.size = buf.size();
but the compiler can NOT accept this code. i wonder why ?
This worked for me, but the typehandler was not generating the correct data. I made a typehandler that handles the vec3 as a json array and not an object. Does this work for you? Godbolt
namespace JS {
struct TypeHandler<simCore::Vec3>
static inline Error to(simCore::Vec3& to_type, ParseContext& context)
double array[3];
auto err = TypeHandler<double[3]>::to(array, context);
if (err != Error::NoError)
return err;
return Error::NoError;
static void from(const simCore::Vec3& from_type, Token& token, Serializer& serializer)
double array[3];
array[0] = from_type.x();
array[1] = from_type.y();
array[2] = from_type.z();
TypeHandler<double[3]>::from(array, token, serializer);
This worked for me, but the typehandler was not generating the correct data. I made a typehandler that handles the vec3 as a json array and not an object. Does this work for you? Godbolt
namespace JS { template<> struct TypeHandler<simCore::Vec3> { public: static inline Error to(simCore::Vec3& to_type, ParseContext& context) { double array[3]; auto err = TypeHandler<double[3]>::to(array, context); if (err != Error::NoError) return err; to_type.setX(array[0]); to_type.setY(array[1]); to_type.setZ(array[2]); return Error::NoError; } static void from(const simCore::Vec3& from_type, Token& token, Serializer& serializer) { double array[3]; array[0] = from_type.x(); array[1] = from_type.y(); array[2] = from_type.z(); TypeHandler<double[3]>::from(array, token, serializer); } }; }