veeam-enterprise_manager-grafana copied to clipboard
How to monitor a Veeam Enterprise Manager Environment using Powershell, Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana
Username and password entered in variables (Line 34 & 35): veeamUsername="YOUREMUSER" veeamPassword='YOUREMPASSWORD' and encoded in base64 with (Line 37): veeamAuth=$(echo -ne "$veeamUsername:$veeamPassword" | base64); can sometimes get 'wraparound' resulting in...
I've updated to using influxdb v2 which I know works with version 1 queries but you have to set grafana to use flux or not for a data source. So...
Hi! I've got this issue : `curl -X GET "https://X.X.X.X:9398/api/backupSessions?format=Entity" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-RestSvcSessionId: ZTRjYzU0ZjQtNWRhZS00OThiLTkzZGUtMGM3Yjg5Yzk3ZjVl" -H "Cookie: X-RestSvcSessionId=ZTRjYzU0ZjQtNWRhZS00OThiLTkzZGUtMGM3Yjg5Yzk3ZjVl" -H "Content-Length: 0" 2>&1 -k {"FirstChanceExceptionMessage":"La conversion d'un type de données nvarchar...
Hi, Firstly, nice script. We've been using it for some time now but my PowerShell foo has reached its limit. I'd like to obtain the names of the individual back...
Goodmorning, it seems that the script won't get all the details from the latest Veeam version Maybe it's a problem related to some deprecated/removed APIs. I don't get any...