spccweb copied to clipboard
A school portal that focuses on the grading system and the school website. My first fully functioning Laravel app. Also it's my capstone project.
SPCC Portal
An electronic grading web application, integrated with a school website, built using Laravel and Bootstrap. A capstone project for the Bachelor's Degree of Information Technology in SPCC - Caloocan.
Getting Started
- Git / Git Bash
- Composer
- Familiar with mySQL and PHP
- Clone the Repository
- Setting up a Virtual Host
- Database Configuration
- Populating the Database with some dummy data (optional)
- Check the App
1. Clone the Repository
a. Go to C:/xampp/htdocs
cd 'C:/xampp/htdocs'
b. Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/jorenrui/spccweb.git
c. Go to the spccweb
cd 'spccweb'
d. Install Dependencies
composer install
2. Setting up a Virtual Host
a. Go to C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
. Edit then save.
# At the bottom of the file
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/spccweb/public"
ServerName spccweb.me
b. Open Notepad as Administrator. Then Open File: C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
. Edit then save.
# At the bottom of the file localhost spccweb.me
3. Database Configuration
a. Run both Apache
and mySQL
in the XAMPP Control Panel.
b. Go to localhost/phpmyadmin
in your browser. Then login and create a database named spcc
. In the main directory of spccweb
, find .env.example
. Open it and update the database information below. After that, save it as .env
The default credentials for the phpMyAdmin are:
username: root
You can leave the password blank.
APP_NAME='SPCC Caloocan'
c. Generate the Application Key
php artisan key:generate
d. Reset the Database if you have already ran the Database Migration at least once, else proceed to the next step.
php artisan migrate:reset
e. Run the Database Migration
php artisan migrate
4. Populating the Database with some dummy data (optional)
a. Populate the Database by running the Database Seeder. A dummy data has been provided.
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed
b. Create a symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
c. In the root directory of the repository, go to public/img
. Copy both cover_images
and profile_pictures
to public/storage/
d After that you're all set! You may now use the dummy accounts.
Dummy Accounts
username: admin
password: secret
Head Registrar
username & password: K002
username & password: K003
Faculty (K004-K006)
username & password: K004
Student (042030001-042030006)
username & password: 042030001
5. Check the App
a. Open a browser and go to spccweb.me
. Make sure that both Apache
and MySQL
are running on the XAMPP Control Panel.
b. Try to login.
c. Congrats! You're all set.
Installation with Docker
a. With docker and docker-compose installed just run:
docker composer up -d
b. Install Dependencies:
docker exec -it spccweb-app composer install
c. Copy the env.example
to .env
and configure database access:
docker exec -it spccweb-app cp .env.example .env
d. Generate the Application Key:
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan key:generate
e. Run the Database Migration:
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan migrate
f. Populate the Database by running the Database Seeder (if any);
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan db:seed
g. Check the app:
Open a browser and go to localhost:8000
Try to login.
Congrats! You're all set.
Built With
Main Techs
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL
- Laravel - The web framework used
- jQuery - JavaScript library
- Bootstrap - CSS Framework
OS Techs
- Argon Laravel Dashboard - Frontend Preset for Laravel
- spatie/laravel-permission - Laravel package to manage user permissions and roles in the database
- select2 - JavaScript plugin for select boxes
- particles.js - JavaScript plugin for particle backgrounds
- quilljs - An API Driven Rich Text Editor
- FooTable - responsive jQuery table plugin