
Results 52 issues of jordy25519

as CENNZX matures it will be a useful to implement a price oracle API e.g.

cennzx 🔀

benchmarking weights + tests need updates for rewards payouts

staking 💰

Rewards module should have the `TargetInflationPerStakingEra` configured in genesis / era 0 i.e. fiscal era 0 should start with staking era 0

good first issue
staking 💰

Implement dynamic de/in-flation policy for Cpay rewards. Use price oracle feed or some factor derived from previous tx fee spending. - [ ] design - [ ] implement - [x]...

staking 💰

Add the field `exchange_update_time` to track the exchange timestamp of orderbook events `last_update_time` is left as is representing the local timestamp of orderbook update fixes #37

hi, thanks for the crate! it seems like the `exchange_time` field of `MarketEvent` is not set to the exchange given timestamp when using Binance L2 orderbook subscriptions. `book.last_update_time` is...

Due to historic reasons the notion of 'free balance' in GA is a misnomer for the staking currency. We should alter this API / naming to ensure it is fool-proof...


like 'repatriate reserved' but should fail if insufficient reserve rather than do the `min(reserve_balance, amount)`

Currency reserves/unreserves are not isolated. This means modules can potentially interfere with each other's reserved amounts creating various bugs.


Generic Asset - [x] GA provide account store #181 - [x] existential deposit rules #183 - [x] fix cumulative lock behvaiour #193 - [x] existential deposit rules #183 - [...