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Proposal for allowing compiled languages to use the package.json sandbox model

#PackageJsonForCompilers (pjc) Proposal

PackageJsonForCompilers is a specification for how package.json packages can perform native compilation, while still enjoying what makes the npm workflows great.


  • Cross compilation (within a project, build dependencies for your local machine and/or a mobile device that has a different architecture).

  • Work well with symlinks for rapid development.

  • Parallelize builds. Recover builds.

  • Build awesome/interactive dashboards that explain what is going on when building projects, or changing dependencies.

  • Export your entire project to a Makefile or shell script that can run on any network isolated machine, even if that machine does not have node/npm/opam/crate installed etc.

  • pjc is not a build system for any particular compiler. It is a "meta build system", that helps all your individual pacakges' build systems work in harmony together, and then exposes an approachable human interface to that process.

  • pjc is not a package manager. It only requires that package sources be located entirely on disk before it begins working. It follows the npm directory structure convention, but this isn't central to pjc. What is central is that pjc tollerate multiple versions of packages existing simultaneously.

  • Package managers like yarn could make use of pjc packages' package.json fields in order to perform a more optimal installation (deduping more optimally).

The command name we'll use in this doc is pjc, but concretely, we've started a reference implementation of pjc called esy (as in Easy).

Note: This has little to nothing to do with node/npm - just by convention, we assume that sources for dependencies are placed into node_modules, but we could have just as easily named that directory anything else.

Global Installation of pjc

pjc is the last globally installed program you'll need. It lets you interact with, build, debug, and explore local project sandboxes.

npm install -g pjc

Make and Build a Project

Add pjc to your package.json project dependencies, and specify how pjc should build your project in the field.

  "dependencies": {
    "pjc": "*"
  "pjc": {
    "build": "yourBuildCommand"

Install your dependencies, then build your project from the top level package.

npm install
pjc build

When you invoke pjc build, all the commands in the dependency graph's package.json files will be invoked in the right order, at the right time, in parallel, and with an environment that automatically contains all the right environment variables that each package needs to build harmoniously. The majority of this doc describes the meaning of those environment variables and how to use them to ensure your packages are good citizens.

Running Sandboxed Commands

pjc build is one of the very few "built in" commands (which builds the entire graph). Except for the few built in commands, pjc can be invoked with arbitrary shell commands:

pjc which merlin
pjc your command here

When you prefix a shell command with pjc, it causes the command to "see all the right things" from your project sandbox. The underlying philosophy of package.json projects, is that it's a bad idea to just install things globally without modeling the fact that your projects depend on those thing. Furthermore, multiple projects could depend on two different conflicting versions of a tool, so installing those globally are out of the question. Anytime you make a package.json, you're defining a sandbox that correctly models these dependencies and avoids many of those issues.

Prefixing commands like pjc yourcommand here allows yourcommand here to see the dependencies that are modeled in package.json. That means the command will be able to see a PATH augmented with binaries that your dependencies build, and much much more.

# Returns empty
which myBuildArtifact.exe

# Returns the path in sandbox successfully 
pjc which myBuildArtifact.exe

When invoked, pjc will always search to see if you're in a project directory that has pjc installed, and if so, it will forward all your requests to that version, otherwise it will use the globally installed version of pjc. (This is a minor details, not worth remembering).

As mentioned, there are a few builtin commands which take precedence over the commands you supply after pjc.

Built-in Command Action
pjc build Build the project in parallel, from the top level package
pjc shell Source all environment variables for your sandbox, after deshelling any previously active pjc shell
pjc deshell Restore the environment to the way it was before the most recent pjc shell

Exporting Environment Variables

The pjc.env field allows you to set environment variables that your sandboxed commands can see, and that your dependers can see.

  "dependencies": {
    "pjc": "*"
  "pjc": {
    "build": "yourBuildCommand",
    "envVars": {
      "USER_NAME": "Jack"

Further Configuration/Usage:

  1. Mark the names of dependencies that are build time only in a package.json field called buildTimeOnlyDependencies.

  2. Enjoy some benefits of pjc.

  • pjc build traverses the dependency graph and automatically runs each package.json's build scripts with a perfectly constructed environment. Each package build will see the right environment variables. Among others, it will see a PATH augmented with binaries built by its dependencies, along with any other variables its depenencies want it to see.
  • pjc also automatically sets environment variables that allow your build scripts to see ocamlfind packages/libraries generated by your immediate package.json dependencies.
  • pjc also automatically prepares an ocamlfind directory structure lib/bin/doc for each depdendency to install itself into. pjc tells you where this is located by setting another special environment variable. (It also generates an ocamlfind.conf).
  • pjc also sets up a bunch of other helpful environment variables that your build scripts can see, most of them taken directly from opam.
  1. Respect the my_package__target_dir environment variable in your build scripts. Your build system should try to only generate artifacts inside of my_package__target_dir. This makes sure your package build works with symlinks, and multiple simultaneous versions of your package.

  2. Respect the my_package__install environment variable in your build scripts: So far your package build can "see" its dependencies at build time via the automatically created findlib.conf / environment variables. That's good but it doesn't mean your package's artifacts will be visible to other packages that depend on you! To make your package visible to your dependers via ocamlfind, your build system should generate a META file, and install it (along with a subset of the artifacts) into my_package__install (ocamlfind install -destdir $my_package__install $my_package__name META). No one wants to mess with yet another config format (META) but there really does have to be some format (continue reading to understand why) to record which artifacts are part of your library.

More details about ocamlfind.

Feel free to skip this section

ocamlfind is an existing technology that at first seems totally redundant with package.json but serves a different purpose. ocamlfind lets you declare ocamlfind libraries and group them into ocamlfind packages. Whereas package.json packages group together source code resources under a logical name, ocamlfind groups together compiled artifacts for those resources into a logical name (the ocamlfind package). Usually for every package.json package, you'll generate one named ocamlfind package, that defines one ocamlfind library.

In addition to grouping together the artifacts under a logical name, these ocamlfind packages track which flags must be passed to the final linking stage of the compiler, in a way that makes it much easier on everyone's build scripts. The end result is that if your package.json package can generate an ocamlfind library, then other package.json projects can easily compile against it. Otherwise, when other packages depend on your package, they'd be scratching their heads wondering where your build artifacts are located, and what flags they need to pass to the compiler when compiling against them. I mean, you can take that approach if you really want to, but why not just make an ocamlfind package instead? Specifically, when another package depends on my package.json package named myPackageName, and when my package.json package generates an ocamlfind package called myPackageNameOcamlFind, then findlib/ocamlfind allows the package that depends on my package to just pass -pkg myPackageNameOcamlFind.

The file that records which artifacts are grouped into myPackageName, is the META file. By generating the META file, you've just created a valid ocamlfind package. Now, pjc makes it so you will automatically see all those META files for your dependencies. pjc supplies an environment variable that helps build scripts for each package.json package know where to install their findlib "package" into, and also populates another environment variable that helps your package.json build script see all your package's ocamlfind dependencies.

It's super annoying to write the META file, so if you're making a new build system that works well with PackageJsonForCompilers, you should just have your build system just generate it. More details on that later.

Why do we need this? Again, the answer is because it's too difficult for packages to promise to put their artifacts into predictable locations, so we suggest that they generate ocamlfind packages which say exactly where those artifacts are.

More details about pkg-config.

pkg-config is like ocamlfind, but for C programs.


This document describes a proposal for laying out directories for sources, artifacts, as well as some utilities that we plan to provide to compilers/build systems in order for them to work seamlessly within this directory convention. It should ideally create some shared conventions that ocamlopt/ocamlc/BuckleScript/opam, and possibly even clang packages can abide by in order to seamlessly depend on each other - even in the face of multiple versions, or multiple targetted architectures. Build systems do not have to generate or even be aware of this directory structure, they merely need to use a couple of utilities in order required to work well within it.

General features required:

  • Allows multiple versions of packages to coexist (it's important).
  • Builds out of source, installs out of source.
    • That enables symlinking of packages (important).
  • Plays nice with ocamlfind.
  • Allows cleaning up of build artifacts trivially, merely by deleting a single _build directory.
  • Supports opam variables and attempts to make it feasible to build an adapter that allows seamless OPAM interop.

Desirable Outcome: One click depending on opam files withing a cross compiled environment - all build systems should do the right thing, and put artifacts in the right place inside of the sandbox, with a single yarn install or npm install.

In general, we have a top level package, with dependencies inside of node_modules, and two directories _build and _install which each mirror the entire sandbox.

Project Directory

 │                       Findlib Installations 
 ├── _install/         ----------------------------------------
 │   └── node_modules/    _install dir mirrors project directory,
 │       └── ...          contains findlib installations for everything.
 ├── _build/             Build Artifacts
 │   ├── src/            ----------------------------------------
 │   │   └── ...         _build dir mirrors entire tree.
 │   └── node_modules/   Contains build artifacts for everything.
 │       └── ...
 ├── package.json        Original Source Files                              
 ├── src/                ----------------------------------------           
 │   ├──        Your typical source directory with node_modules    
 │   └── ...             containing all dependencies potentially symlinked. 
 └── node_modules/
     └── ...

Expanding out a bit, we see that inside of the _install, each package resides in its mirrored location. Each package has its own findlib root, with its own bin/lib etc. This is very important as it allows multiple versions of a single package to exist simultaneously.

Project Directory

 │                           Findlib Installations 
 ├─ _install/              ----------------------------------------
 │  ├─ bin/               ╮  First, you have the findlib installation
 │  ├─ lib/               ╯  for the top level package
 │  └─ node_modules/   
 │     ├─ CommonUtil      ╮                    
 │     │  ├─ bin/         ┊  Then transitive dependencies' findlib installations.
 │     │  └─ lib/         ┊
 │     └─ ...             ╯                    
 │                           Build Artifacts
 ├─ _build/                  ----------------------------------------
 │  │                     ╮  Autogenerated findlib.conf describing the location
 │  ├─ findlib.conf       ┊  of each transitive dependency of the root package. 
 │  │                     ┊  (pointing to locations in _install)
 │  ├─ myApp.exe                                                        
 │  ├─ src/               ┊  Top level package's artifacts at locations 
 │  │  └─ ...             ┊   mirroringtheir original locations         
 │  │                     ╯                                             
 │  └─ node_modules/
 │     ├─ CommonUtil      ╮  
 │     │  ├─ findlib.conf ┊  Artifacts for all node_modules dependencies.
 │     │  └─ src/         ┊ 
 │     │      └─ ...      ┊
 │     └─ ...             ╯
 │                           Original Source Files
 │                           ----------------------------------------
 ├─ package.json             Your typical source directory with node_modules
 ├─ src/                     containing all dependencies potentially symlinked.
 │  ├─
 │  └─ ...
 └─ node_modules/
    ├─ ...              
    └─ CommonUtil/ --> /symlink/to/CommonUtil          

Expanding out even further:

Project Directory

 │                                  Findlib Installations                   
 ├─ _install/                     ----------------------------------------
 │   ├─ bin/
 │   │  └─ myApp.exe
 │   ├─ lib/
 │   │  └─ MyApp/                ╮  Because each library has its own
 │   │     ├─ META               ┊  findlib root it has to place another
 │   │     ├─ myApp.cmi          ┊  directory inside of `lib` matching its
 │   │     └─ myApp.cmo          ╯  package name. META file goes in there.
 │   │
 │   └─ node_modules/
 │      ├─ YourProject
 │      │  ├─ bin/
 │      │  └─ lib/
 │      │     └─ YourProject/
 │      │        ├─ META
 │      │        ├─ yours.cmo
 │      │        └─ util.cmo/
 │      └─ CommonUtil
 │         ├─ bin/
 │         └─ lib/
 │            └─ CommonUtil/
 │               ├─ META
 │               ├─ common.cmo
 │               └─ util.cmo/
 │                                  Build Artifacts
 ├─ _build/                         ----------------------------------------
 │  ├─ findlib.conf
 │  ├─ myApp.exe
 │  ├─ src/                      ╮                                                   
 │  │  ├─ myApp.cmo              ┊  In the _build directory, every artifacts
 │  │  ├─ myApp.cmi              ┊  mirrors locations of corresponding source
 │  │  └─ util.cmo               ╯  file - if any.
 │  │
 │  └─ node_modules/
 │     ├─ YourProject
 │     │  ├─ findlib.conf
 │     │  ├─ package.json
 │     │  └─ src/
 │     │     ├─ yours.cmo
 │     │     └─ util.cmo
 │     │
 │     └─ CommonUtil
 │        ├─ findlib.conf
 │        └─ src/
 │           ├─ common.cmo
 │           └─ util.cmo
 │                                  Original Source Files
 │                                  ----------------------------------------
 ├─ package.json
 ├─ src/
 │  ├─ myApp.mli
 │  ├─
 │  └─
 └─ node_modules/
    ├─ YourProject/
    │  ├─ package.json
    │  └─ src/
    │     ├─
    │     └─
    └─ CommonUtil/ --> /symlink/to/CommonUtil 
                          │             │
                        symlinks must be supported.        
                        even if they are only simulated via
                        some kind of .links file.                   

This Is Intended For Any Build System.

Most of this is not specific to any particular build system, and build systems don't need to know about this exact directory structure. When pjc builds your package (by looking for its field), pjc sets up environment variables that handles all the logic of figuring out where things should go.

This Is Intended For Any Language.

The findlib portions of this are optional. Your package builds don't have to use them - but you may be able to adapt findlib to your language as well. Take it or leave it - it's not critical to pjc.

Environment Variables

When my-package is being built, my_package__target_dir and my_package__install are set to the artifact and install destinations for my-package. This helps avoid cluttering up your source files with artifacts, and keeps it symlink friendly / caching friendly.

Environment Variable Meaning Equivalent To
my_package__name Normalized name of package name (converts hyphens to underscores)
my_package__target_dir Where build scripts should place artifacts for my-package Cargo's CARGO_TARGET_DIR (loosely)
my_package__install Install root for my-package. Contains lib/bin/etc OPAM's prefix var, but is a dedicated install directory just for this package

More Variables Visible To Your Package Build Scripts

Environment Var Meaning Equivalent To
OCAMLFIND_CONF Path to precomputed findlib.conf file in cur__target_dir, exposing cur's dependencies
pjc__sandbox Path to top level package being installed - the thing you git cloned
pjc__install_tree Path to sandbox install tree, which contains all prefixes, for all packages
pjc__build_tree Path to sandbox build tree, contains all build directories, for all packages
my_package__name Normalized name of the my-package (my_package) OPAM's PKG:name but not transitive
my_package__version Version of the my-package OPAM's PKG:version but not transitive
my_package__root Path to root of source tree for my-package Opam's lib
my_package__depends Resolved direct dependencies of my-package OPAM's PKG:depends
my_package__bin Binary install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:bin but not transitive
my_package__sbin System install Binary directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:sbin but not transitive
my_package__lib Library install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:lib but not transitive
my_package__man Man install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:man but not transitive
my_package__doc Docs install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:doc but not transitive
my_package__stublibs Path to stublibs directory in my_package__install Opam's stublibs
my_package__toplevel Path to toplevel directory in my_package__install Opam's toplevel
my_package__share Share install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:share but not transitive
my_package__etc Etc install directory for my-package OPAM's PKG:etc but not transitive

Dependencies' Variables Visible To Your Package Build Scripts

Your package build scripts also automatically see some helpful environment variables that describe each of your immediate dependencies.

For every env var above that contains my_package, an equivalent env var is created for each of your package's immediate dependency (my_dependency__bin for example).

In addition, a couple of environment variables are automatically augmented in the following ways, for all dependencies.

Environment Variable Your Package's Dependers See This Value As Equivalent To Implemented
PATH Augmented with my_dependency__bin No
MAN_PATH Augmented with my_dependency__man OPAM's PKG:name but not transitive No

Variables Automatically Visible to You and Your Dependencies

Sometimes, you want to make additional values/paths available to your dependencies and that has been [discussed](#Exporting Environment Variables). That allows you to specify in your package.json which values should be visible to dependers' pjc build scripts, and also your dependers' environment variable configs.

Opam Variables That Don't Make Sense To Recreate
Environment Variable

Ultra-Dynamic environment config.

Any time you see an environment variable beginning with my_package__x above, there's another form cur__x which represents the respective value for the currently building package. cur__ is not always the same as my_package.

For example, suppose that A --dependsOn--> B, and A has a config file that references cur__root, and that B also has a config file referencing cur__root. When B is building, cur__root references B's source root. When A is building, A's config file's cur__root references A's source root. But if while A is building, we reference B's configuration, then cur__ means A's root. This can happens in practice because (as you'll see), A's environment variables are set up by consulting B's config.

Many of these variables have OPAM equivalents, with the exception that they are only published by immediate dependencies. The reason is that unlike OPAM, we support multiple versions per package in the transitive dependency graph - so some of these variables would no longer be well-defined if we allowed them to be published by transitive dependencies.

The following OPAM variables will be more difficult to implement as environment variables, but we should support them anyways.

OPAM var Difficult Because Implemented
PKG:installed Whether the package is installed Need to scan "optionalDeps" and set false if missing No
PKG:enable "enable" or "disable" depending on if installed " No
PKG:build Where my-dependency ended up being built We tell packages where to build. They might not respect that - how do we know? No

Others not yet implemented: (PKG:hash, user, group, make, os, ocaml-version, opam-version compiler, preinstalled, switch, jobs, ocaml-native, ocaml-native-tool, ocaml-native-dynli, arch )


Note: These have nothing to do with devDependencies.

Suppose MyPackage depends on make-v1.2.2 and MyDependency depends on make-v1.1.1. Imagine how unnecessarily difficult it would be if our package manager refused to let us install/build both of these versions of make. The two versions of make really have nothing to do with each other and should never see each other. They were merely tools that we needed in order to build each package.

This is very different than our app pulling in two versions of the standard library at runtime. That would legitimately cause conflicts and it's reasonable for the package manager/build system to tell us to fix the conflict.

pjc will support a package.json config property called buildTimeOnlyDependencies.

While they don't yet make use of it, package managers should take buildTimeOnlyDependencies into account when resolving package versions and deciding how to best flatten - it's a good opportunity for package managers to relax their task of resolving to one version per package. But even if package managers don't take this into account, we can still build as if they did, and create tooling for for generating shrinkwrap/lock files as if they did. Or, if you just let npm/yarn do their thing and install multiple versions, pjc will work well at compile time, and likely even link time because:

  1. pjc will support building multiple versions per package. As usual, node_modules ensures that there is (literally) space for multiple versions of source code for them. The exact shape of the _build and _install directories ensures that there is (literally) space for multiple versions to be built.

  2. pjc will ensure that if there are multiple versions of your dependency at build time, your package will see the right version. All of the environment variables will be set accordingly, and findlib will be configured such that you compile against the right version. Multiple versions might exist, but you won't see the wrong ones.

It's normal for buildTimeOnlyDependencies to result in multiple versions of packages that are each compiled into their own quarantined _build and _install. It's not normal for multiple versions of runtime dependencies though.

Before package managers support the buildTimeOnlyDependencies well, you might get in a scenario where you get a link time failure - it won't be due to any buildTimeOnlyDependencies that you depend on - that link time failure will be a genuine package conflict you need to fix. If package managers supported buildTimeOnlyDependencies well, you would have still had an error - but it would have been the package manager letting you know early that there will be a link time failure. Without help from package managers, you'll just hear about it much later, and with a more cryptic error.

Env Vars

pjc should provide a solution similar to dependency-env which allows packages to export environment variables that are made visible to packages that depend on them. The set of dependencies form a graph, and one dependency is the "top level app". Building via pjc is the process of walking that graph and building each individual package in the correct order. At each node in that graph, building that node must be done with a properly constructed environment that allows that node to see the artifacts generated by its dependencies, and to see the binaries / environment variables exported by its dependencies. dependency-env (pjc's predecessor allowed your dependencies to export environment variables to you by populating the exportedEnvVars field in their package.json file. In this sense, exportedEnvVars "bubble up" the dependency graph.

There is also another kind of environment variable: "Sandbox Environment Variable". These environment variables propagate downwards, and are specified at the time of running pjc build by doing pjc build ENVVAR="value".

Every dependency will be built with that environment variable being set. The build cache must take these environment variables into consideration when determining if it can reuse artifacts from previous builds. In fact, the unique hash of these "Sandbox env vars", along with many other configuration parameters are what define a sandbox inside of the root package directory.

Cross Compiling

Cross compiling sounds similar to buildTimeOnlyDependencies but is very different, and only a little bit related to buildTimeOnlyDependencies. Cross compiling happens when for whatever reason, a package needs to be compiled to an architecture that is different than the host architecture. Mobile toolchain compilers are the most mainstream use case you'll likely encounter.

When installing/building a dependency graph, pjc pays attention to your pjc__target_architecture Sandbox Environment Variable (which you can set at the time of building via pjc build pjc__target_architecture="x86", for example. By default pjc__target_architecture is assumed to be equal to your host architecture if unspecified.

That, among other things, influences whether or not a package is cross compiled, and as already mentioned, helps determine if previous build artifacts can be reused. It also helps form the unique name of the directory that artifacts are built into.

pjc makes "space" to build cross compiled packages without stepping on your regular artifacts, by suffixing _install and _build with the architecture. By default, it's assumed _install/_build refer to the host architecture. Here's what that would look like for pjc__target_architecture=arm64.

Project Directory

 │                        Findlib Installation 
 ├── _install/            ----------------------------------------
 │   └── node_modules/    _install dir mirrors project directory,
 │       └── ...          contains findlib installations for everything.
 ├── _build/             Build Artifacts
 │   ├── src/            ----------------------------------------
 │   │   └── ...         _build dir mirrors entire tree.
 │   └── node_modules/   Contains build artifacts for everything.
 │       └── ...
 │                       ╮
 ├── _install_arm64/     ┊
 │   └── node_modules/   ┊
 │       └── ...         ┊
 │                       ┊
 ├── _build_arm64/       ┊ Same structure as above, but for packages that must
 │   ├── src/            ┊ be compiled for a different runtime architecture.
 │   │   └── ...         ┊
 │   └── node_modules/   ┊
 │       └── ...         ┊
 │                       ╯
 ├── package.json        Original Source Files
 ├── src/                 ----------------------------------------
 │   ├──        Your typical source directory with node_modules
 │   └── ...             containing all dependencies potentially symlinked.
 └── node_modules/
     └── ...

It is not immediately obvious how many architectures a package at a specific version needs to be compiled for. We get into some interesting scenarios when looking at how package manager resolution combines with buildTimeOnlyDependencies, pjc__target_architecture.

Consider the following scenario. The package manager (or shrinkwrap etc) has resolved PackageC to a single version, though multiple packages depend on it. There is one location for PackageC's source code (likely in node_modules/C). If nothing is marked as a buildTimeOnlyDependencies, then everything is simple.

If pjc__target_architecture is empty, (defaulted to host), then no matter what, pjc will build everything according to the simplest convention.

Dependency Graph       Artifacts
----------------       ---------------------

╭─────────╮            PackageA/
│PackageA │            │
└─┬─────┬─┘            ├── _install/
  │     │              │   ├── ...
  │     │              │   └── node_modules/
  │     └────┐         │       ├── PackageB
  │          │         │       │   └── ...
  │          │         │       └── PackageC
  │          │         │           └── ...
  │     ╭────▼───╮     ├── _build/
  │     │PackageB│     │   ├── ...
  │     └────────┘     │   └── node_modules/
  │          │         │       ├── PackageB
  │          │         │       │   └── ...
  │          │         │       └── PackageC
  │          │         │           └── ...
╭─▼──────────▼─╮       ├── package.json
│PackageC-1.0.0│       ├── src/
└──────────────┘       │   └──
                       └── node_modules/
                           ├── PackageB
                           │   └── ...
                           └── PackageC
                               └── ...

Similarly, any of the arrows in the above dependency diagram could be listed in the parent package's buildTimeOnlyDependencies, and nothing would change because no matter what, everything needs to run on the host architecture (build time or not!) and since there's only one PackageC source, we only need to build it at most once.

If pjc__target_architecture is arm64 (different than host), and nothing is marked in buildTimeOnlyDependencies, then everything must be clearly be compiled for arm64, and no dependencies need to execute on the host for building.

Dependency Graph       Artifacts
----------------       ---------------------

╭─────────╮            PackageA/
│PackageA │            │
└─┬─────┬─┘            ├── _install_arm64/
  │     │              │   ├── ...
  │     │              │   └── node_modules/
  │     └────┐         │       ├── PackageB
  │          │         │       │   └── ...
  │          │         │       └── PackageC
  │          │         │           └── ...
  │     ╭────▼───╮     ├── _build_arm64/
  │     │PackageB│     │   ├── ...
  │     └────────┘     │   └── node_modules/
  │          │         │       ├── PackageB
  │          │         │       │   └── ...
  │          │         │       └── PackageC
  │          │         │           └── ...
╭─▼──────────▼─╮       ...

Now, consider if pjc__target_architecture is arm64 (different than host), and only the dependency from PackageA to PackageC is marked in buildTimeOnlyDependencies. There's still one version of PackageC resolved, but it changes the number of times pjc will compile it. PackageA needs to run PackageC at build time (so on the host architecture) and PackageB needs to run PackageC at runtime. Since the runtime architecture is different than the build time architecture, pjc will ensure that at package install time, PackageC is compiled twice into appropriately suffixed _build/_install directories, even though there's only one version of PackageC's source resolved on disk.

  Dependency Graph       Artifacts
  ----------------       ---------------------

  ╭─────────╮            PackageA/
  │PackageA │            │
  └─┬─────┬─┘            ├── _install/
    │     │              │   └── node_modules/
    │     │              │       └── PackageC    ╮
    │     └────┐         │           └── ...     ┊ Only PackageC is compiled for
    │          │         ├── _build/             ┊ the build host architecture.
buildTimeOnly  │         │   └── node_modules/   ┊ It's the only one needed at build time
    │          │         │       └── PackageC    ╯
    │     ╭────▼───╮     │           └── ...
    │     │PackageB│     │
    │     └────────┘     ├── _install_arm64/     ╮
    │          │         │   ├── ...             ┊
    │          │         │   └── node_modules/   ┊
    │          │         │       ├── PackageC    ┊ Everything else, is compiled for the
    │          │         │       │   └── ...     ┊ pjc__target_architecture. Including C!
  ╭─▼──────────▼─╮       │       └── PackageB    ┊ It is still needed at runtime
  │PackageC-1.0.0│       │           └── ...     ┊ even though it was also needed at
  └──────────────┘       ├── _build_arm64/       ┊ build time.
                         │   ├── ...             ┊
                         │   └── node_modules/   ┊
                         │       ├── PackageC    ┊
                         │       │   └── ...     ╯
                         │       └── PackageB
                         │           └── ...

So pjc's directory layout is flexible enough to support compiling of multiple versions of a single package, in their isolated quarantined areas, but this last example shows that it's also flexible enough to support a single version of a package compiled multiple times in the case of a different pjc__target_architecture.

Quickly consider if PackageB where listed in buildTimeOnlyDependencies of PackageA, while pjc__target_architecture was arm64 as before.

  │PackageA │
    │     │
    │     │
    │     └────┐
    │          │
    │     buildTimeOnlyDependency
    │          │
    │     ╭────▼───╮
    │     │PackageB│
    │     └────────┘
    │          │
    │          │
    │          │
    │          │
  • PackageA must be compiled for the pjc__target_architecture.
  • PackageC must be compiled for the pjc__target_architecture because it's needed by PackageA at runtime.
  • PackageB must be compiled for the host.
  • PackageC must be compiled for the host as well! Even though PackageC is a runtime dependency of PackageB! When PackageB acts as a buildTimeOnlyDependency, PackageB's "runtime", is not the pjc__target_architecture - it is the host architecture.

pjc handles all of these cases and provides physical space for all of these artifacts to exist in harmony, simultaneously.

Incremental Package Rebuilds

When performing operations such as adding, updating, or removing installed package sources into the tree, many packages will require building. It's not always intuitive which ones will require building. When you add a package, the package manager might have needed to change another seemingly unrelated version of a package to dedupe. So pretty much anytime an operation occurs which could change anything in the dependency graph, we need to evaluate which packages require rebuilding.

Since pjc is an overlay on top of package managers, we don't have/want hooks into any particular package manager's update/install operations.

Instead, every time we perform an operation such as building, we'll record the package dependency graph, including where on disk each package is, and where each of their dependencies live, and write it to .pjc.latest.json. This is very easy to do with npm - after each pjc build command we will run npm la -json which outputs the graph, and write it to .pjc.latest.json. Then, after doing any pacakge install/update commands, the next pjc build command can do the same (npm la -json) and do a diff between .pjc.latest.json, in order to determine which packages changed. We consider those "dirty" nodes. Then we traverse the dependency graph, and rebuild any node that is dirty or that transitively depends on those dirty nodes. We build that subgraph in topological order, and in parallel - just as we normally would for any pjc build operation. The internal implementation that walks the graph, should always just accept a subgraph to walk - and by default it will just assume the entire dependency graph. The major difference with incremental builds, is that before building each individual package (with the environment automatically prepared), we first clean the prior build. If packages respect the artifact/install locations, it's as easy as removing those directories and recreating them before running the build scripts.


The implementation of PackageJsonForCompilers will output a makefile or shell script that builds the minimal set of packages optimally after any install/change/update. It will build the packages in parallel, but some package build scripts might reach outside of their build artifacts destination into other shared locations, and doing so is unsafe. Therefore PackageJsonForCompilers specifices that a package.json can have a field pjc.unsafeBuild which will ensure that this package build has an exclusive lock on the build process and releases that lock upon completion/failure.

Not Shown In This Spec

  • Opinionated build system conventions such as module aliases/namespaces.
  • How we would implement the system that walks the dependency graph, asking each package to build itself into the correct locations.
  • How we know which architecture to specify when building a package (based on buildTimeOnlyDependency, the host architecture, and "target" architecture).
  • How we know how many times to build a package - how many architectures.
  • External dependencies.
  • How environment variables propagate and are "scoped".

Miscelaneous Requested Features

  • Every time you run esy build, it should also dump a key/value of environment variables to ./.env at the root of the project being built. This makes it easy for tooling to source that file when it discovers it.

Wait, npm? What's going On In the Install Process

All npm install does is installs your dependencies' source files into a directory (node_modules) by convention. pjc build is what actually builds everything. Therefore, pjc build could easily be made to work in other package managers that install dependency source files into a known location.

npm does have a hook for each package to build postinstall - and you'd think that it would be suficient - but it has issues (it's not parallel, and it doesn't have all the great environment variables setup correctly when it executes them, it certainly does not do us the favor of invoking builds multiple times when building for multiple architectures (in coordination with buildTimeOnlyDependencies)). Still, wouldn't it be nice to avoid the need to run pjc build after npm install? We can add that feature later - it involves some clever tricks (.nmprc files), but it's best to currently focus on getting everything else right.


  • Can we make it so that build scripts have two findlib toolchains - one for compiling and one for linking? Initially we'll just be exposing the one findlib configuration for both - and it will have all their transitive dependencies. That's needed for linking. But it would be better if we also exposed a second findlib configuration that packages can use for compiling, which would ensure that they are not depending on the implementation details of packages (and therefore compile successfully misleadingly).

  • What should the visibility of global environment variables be? We know that we want many variables to be transitively propagated: flags such as default CAMLRUNPARAM (to ensure that by default stack traces are enabled etc). We also use global transitive propagation to compute the FINDLIB joined transitive dependency library paths. We (in dependency-env current - and continuing in pjc) provide a field called global in the environment variable config which allows the variable to be visible to any package that transitively depends on the package that publishes the global var. However, with buildTimeOnlyDependencies, things get more complicated because we will end up with multiple versions of packages simultaneously and they will all be trying to set the same globals that are propagated. What convention should be used? The reference implementation of pjc called esy simplifies the visibility of environment variables by having a field called scope, instead of global: true/false.

  • The global "scope" of an environment variable causes that variable to be seen by packages that depend on it transitively. It means your package may be able to see variables defined very deep into its dependency graph. But what about the opposite? What if, while building our packages, we want our deep dependencies to see variables that we specify? That sounds very bad in general, and it is, but there's some important use cases where we actually want this. For example, at the top level app, we may want to set a variable that causes the compiler to compile with debug symbols (-g). Even dependency-env doesn't solve this right now. Perhaps we want a few values for scope such as scope:bubble, scope:capture which control which direction environment variables propagate. Right now we only have the ability to propagate "upwards" from dependencies to dependers (either one level or unlimited levels "global"). We would want the other direction as well - "downward" propagation (perhaps either one level or unlimited so that it mirros the "upward" propagation).