@MTACS @M4cs Can I share logs or something? I keep getting the kernel panic (freezing system) after pressing the 'remove' button. Also meaning, I can't 'undo' the (partially) applied theme.
When pressing the Remove button, it stops MacOS to respond to anything. I can't move the cursor, everything is frozen. A forced reboot is then required, so I guess not...
When pressing the Remove or Force Refresh button it freezes MacOS entirely. I can't do anything (cursor doesn't move, doesn't respond to keyboard input, etc.) I pressed the force refresh...
Honestly, I have no idea. It seems that Python is installed (it's not listed in my Application folder, but it seems when I Command+Space and search for Python it's on...
I'm not sure if Python has something to do with the fact my machine is a Hackintosh? It shouldn't matter, right?
1. Ok, deleting the entire folder Library/Developer seems to solved the instant panic. I tried a few times to press the Remove folder and it works. After doing that 3...
I've installed both XCode and the dev. tools. You want me to do anything with it? (I'm not a programmer/coder, so take it easy on me :-) ). By the...
> No don't do anything with it, i'm just wondering if there's a developer tool/binary that is being called and breaking it. Could you try to delete ThemeKit and all...
PS: I dont have discord, so never mind.