Jonas L.

Results 410 comments of Jonas L.

To test if liquidsoap is the cause of this, you can use liquidsoap v1.4.4, which support ffmpeg. Here you can find a .deb

Is this issue still actual after upgrading to the latest version of LibreTime ?

The database currently cascade the user deletion to the blocks and playlists rows. This need changing for sure. I think we should null the foreign key instead of assign it...

Side note: In the long term I think we should consider implementing soft delete mechanism for files and users. As those are part of long term history.

I think we should implement soft delete right away instead of deleting user accounts. I don't think my PR #1945 is the right way to do this. If we have...

A small addition to why it might not work, Liquidsoap cannot connect to a https icecast for streaming, because the `protocol` parameter is not set on the `output.icecast` and defaults...

I don't know why this is working now, I've had many problems when trying to document #1688 but I could setup haproxy as reverse proxy in from of icecast, with...

No, I think we can use gh-pages, we need to work with subdirs and not flush everything when we push changes.

Maybe docusaurus versioning could work if we extract the website/docs to a new repo, but that's not the best way to enforce an up to date documentation.