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aws-es-curl copied to clipboard

Simple curl-like utility with request signing support for AWS ElasticSearch Service

Results 8 aws-es-curl issues
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This should be ignored by ElasticSearch but is required when making Kibana API calls ( Adding this will allow to both target ElasticSearch and Kibana API using aws-sigv4 signed requests....

Hi Joona, first, thanks for this cool little tool wich saved my relationship with AWS-ES :-) The only thing i am not aware of are, that the output is cut...

Using the default install of aws-es-curl, and attempting to POST to /_bulk will result in the following error: `{ "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "The bulk request...

I'm trying to use aws-es-curl inside a kubernetes container (jenkins-agent) and noticed the provided serviceaccount role that should authenticate using OIDC webprovider is ignored. Making it default to the EC2...

I always receive the following error: `{"message":"Credential should be scoped to a valid region, not 'eu-west-1'. "}` I've confirmed that my aws cli is configured correctly: ``` $ aws sts...

While running the query i am getting the following error. i could see the index by doing he GET request. but i cannot delete the index aws-es-curl --region us-east-1 -XDELETE...

nodejs v4 is required, which is not stated in the readme, nor in the package.json file. #5

First, thank you this lib is great. I was able to use it to interact with my es domain, create indices, add documents, etc. But when I try to send...