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Compile time dependency injection framework for JVM languages. Especially for Kotlin.



Compile time dependency injection framework for JVM languages. Especially for Kotlin.


This framework is inspired by two projects: Guice and Dagger. While Guice is a quite small but a very powerful library it's not efficient enough on Android as it relies on reflection at runtime. On the other hand Dagger makes all its magic at compile time and thus is very efficient. However, Dagger uses APT under the hood, what may become a problem when used not from Java.

The goal of Lightsaber is to provide lightning-fast compile time dependency injection and not to rely on APT at the same time so that the library can be used with almost any JVM language and on Android.



buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.joom.lightsaber:lightsaber-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-alpha15'

// For Android projects.
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

// For other projects.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'com.joom.lightsaber'

// Optional, just if you need Kotlin extension functions.
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.joom.lightsaber:lightsaber-core-kotlin:1.0.0-alpha15'

Android projects that use Android Gradle Plugin >= 7.1.0 must apply com.joom.lightsaber.adroid plugin to every Gradle module, that uses Lightsaber and to the application module as well. Android projects that use older Android Gradle Plugin versions should apply com.joom.lightsaber.adroid plugin to application module only.

Declaring dependencies

The primary goal of a DI framework is to inject dependencies into your code. Lightsaber can do that with constructor, field, and method injection. In order to make injection work you have to annotate a method or a field with the @Inject annotation and provide dependencies in other parts of the project.

Constructor injection

Constructor injection is the most proper way of performing injection. All you have to do is to annotate a constructor of a class with @Inject. Lightsaber will be able to provide values for the arguments of the constructor and to create an instance of the class using this constructor. Moreover, when using constructor injection the class becomes eligible for provision, that is this class itself can be used as a dependency. Lightsaber requires neither the class, nor the injectable constructor to be public.

public class Droid {
  public Droid(Battery battery) {

Field injection

Sometimes you don't manage instantiation of a class. In this case you cannot use constructor injection. But you can still use dependency injection for such classes. The easiest way to do that is to inject dependencies right into fields of your class. To inform Lightsaber which fields it needs to inject you have to annotate them with @Inject. Again, Lightsaber doesn't require the injectable field to be public or final.

public class Droid {
  private Battery battery;

Method injection

In some cases you may want Lightsaber to call a method of a class after all fields of the class have been injected. Just annotate the method with @Inject and Lightsaber will provide values for the arguments of the method and invoke it. And as always, Lightsaber doesn't need the method to be public.

public class Droid {
  private Battery battery;

  public void setBattery(Battery battery) {
    this.battery = battery;

Injection order

Let's assume there's a class with constructor, fields, and methods marked as injectable . This class may have ancestor classes with injectable fields and methods. When instantiating this class Lightsaber will perform injection in the following order.

  1. Instantiate the class via its injectable constructor.
  2. Inject fields starting from ancestor classes.
  3. Invoke injectable methods starting from ancestor classes. The order of injectable method invocations is undefined.


A contract is an interface that may contain any number of methods and can extend other interfaces which act as a typed dependency provider. Contract's methods must have no arguments and must return a non-void type.

public interface DroidContract {
  Droid getDroid();

When the contract is provided by a container this container must also provide dependencies returned by every method of the contract. If at least one dependency isn't provided the compilation will fail. Contract instances created by Lightsaber don't actually hold any dependencies. Instead every contract's method just delegates to the container, which means that contract's dependencies aren't instantiated when the contract instance is created.

There're two ways to create a contract. The first way is to annotate the contract interface with @Contract and @ProvidedBy annotations. In this case the contract will be provided from a module just like any other dependency.

public class DroidModule {
    public Droid provideDroid() {
        return new Droid();

public interface DroidContract {
    Droid getDroid();

But this approach requires annotating the contract interface so it cannot be used with the interface you don't control. Moreover, you'll need to retrieve the contract somehow.

Luckily there's the second, more type safe way to create the contract. You can define a ContractConfiguration for this contract and then get an instance of the contract from Lightsaber.

public class DroidContractConfiguration extends ContractConfiguration<DroidContract> {
  public Droid provideDroid() {
    return new Droid();

Lightsaber lightsaber = new Lightsaber.Builder().build(); 
DroidContract contract = lightsaber.createContract(new DroidContractConfiguration());

The only thing ContractConfiguration is different from modules (see modules for more details) is that is should extend from ContractConfiguration instead of being annotated with some annotation. Meaning to say it can provide dependencies, import modules, and do other stuff.

Contracts can be used not just for accessing dependencies in a statically typed way but also for providing dependencies to modules, and other contracts' configurations. In order to do that you just have to add a method that returns a contract instance and to annotate this method with @Import and @Contract annotations. In this case all the dependencies provided by the contract will be imported to the container.

public interface DroidPartsContract {
    Battery getBattery();

    MemoryCore getMemoryCore();

public interface DroidContract {
    Droid droid;

public class DroidContractConfiguration extends ContractConfiguration<DroidContract> {
    private final DroidPartsContract droidPartsContract;

    public DroidContractConfiguration(final DroidPartsContract droidPartsContract) {
        this.droidPartsContract = droidPartsContract;

    public Droid provideDroid(final Battery battery, final MemoryCore memoryCore) {
        return new Droid(battery, memoryCore);

Also, imported contracts can be wrapped with com.joom.lightsaber.Lazy or kotlin.Lazy. In this case, the contract will be instantiated only when some of its dependencies would need. It can reduce ContractConfiguration creation time, especially for contracts with many dependencies.

public class DroidContractConfiguration extends ContractConfiguration<DroidContract> {
    private final Lazy<DroidPartsContract> droidPartsContract;

    public DroidContractConfiguration(final Lazy<DroidPartsContract> droidPartsContract) {
        this.droidPartsContract = droidPartsContract;

    public Droid provideDroid(final Battery battery, final MemoryCore memoryCore) {
        return new Droid(battery, memoryCore);

Providing dependencies

In order to be able to inject a dependency you have to provide this dependency first. In other words you have to tell Lightsaber what it have to return when requested a dependency of some type. This can be done in three ways: using contracts, using modules and their provider methods, via injectable constructors mentioned earlier, and by using the @ProvidedAs annotation.

Provider methods

Lightsaber requires provider methods to be defined in modules that need to be combined into contracts configurations.


A module is a logical unit responsible for providing dependencies belonging to the module. Module classes must be annotated with the @Module annotation. A module can contain a number of provider methods. Lightsaber treats a method as a provider method if it's annotated with the @Provide annotation. When a type is provided by a provider method it can be injected into a class in other parts of the project. Neither the module nor its provider methods are required to be public.

public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideDroid() {
    return new Droid();

Note that when manually creating a dependency Lightsaber doesn't perform field and method injection into the returned instance. But you can do that via manual injection or by creating a dependency with an injectable constructor.


Components now deprecated and will be removed in further versions. Use contracts instead)

Nested modules

Modules can import other modules. So if you have a reusable module with some common dependencies you can import it to another module:

public class CommonDroidModule {
  public Battery provideBattery() {
    return new Battery();

public class DroidModule {
  public CommonDroidModule importCommonDroidModule() {
    return new CommonDroidModule();
Inversion of import

Sometimes you may want to specify that a module should be imported by another modules without modifying them. It can be achieved by applying the @ImportedBy annotation to the module that needs to be imported:

public class RobotModule {
    /* ... */

public class DroidModule {
    /* ... */

Injectable constructors

A class may have one and only one injectable constructor. This constructor must be annotated with @Inject and can have any number of arguments. When instantiating a class with an injectable constructor via an injector the injector must be able to provide instances for every argument of the constructor.

Classes with injectable constructors should be bound to a module and thus to a contract configuration that provides the module. This binding can be defined by annotating the class with @ProvidedBy annotation and specifying module classes in its default parameter.

public class Droid {
  public Droid(Battery battery) {

When providing a dependency using an injectable constructor Lightsaber will perform field and method injection into the provided instance.

@ProvidedAs annotation

The @ProvidedAs annotation can be used to bind an interface to an implementation when you don't want to define a provider method in a module. Let's assume you have a Droid interface and its ElectricalDroid implementation and you want to provide an ElectricalDroid instance as a Droid dependency.

public interface Droid {

public class ElectricalDroid implements Droid {
  private Battery battery;

  public ElectricalDroid(Battery battery) {
    this.battery = battery;

  /* ... */

You can achieve that by adding a provider method to a module:

public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideDroid(final ElectricalDroid droid) {
    return droid;

But this approach would require the DroidModule to be aware of the ElectricalDroid implementation, which isn't always the case. Another way to do that is to annotate ElectricalDroid with the @ProvidedAs annotation:

public class ElectricalDroid implements Droid {
  /* ... */

Manual injection

Manual injection is a way to create an instance of a provided type or to perform field and method injection into an existing object. An instance can be obtained by calling the getInstance() method of the Injector:

Droid droid = injector.getInstance(Droid.class);

If you need a factory that provides instances of a given type you can get a Provider object from the Injector. Then you'll be able to get an instance from the Provider by calling its get() method:

Provider<Droid> droidProvider = injector.getProvider(Droid.class);
Droid droid = droidProvider.get();

When creating an instance of a dependency manually Lightsaber performs field and method injection for this instance. But sometimes you already have an instance and want to inject dependencies into it. You can do that by calling the injectMembers() method of the Injector passing the instance to it.

public class DroidController {
  private Droid droid;

  public void initialize(Injector injector) {

Consider the following example. We have a Droid interface and its implementation and we want to provide Droid as a dependency.

public interface Droid {
  /* ... */

public class ElectricalDroid implements Droid {
  private Battery battery;

  /* ... */

If we just create an ElectricalDroid instance and return it from a provider method the battery field will not be initialized because Lightsaber doesn't perform injection into instances it doesn't manage. But we can fix that by manually injecting dependencies into the instance using the injectMembers() method.

public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideDroid(Injector injector) {
    Droid droid = new ElectircalDroid();
    return droid;

While this is a working example it can be refactored to using constructor injection. In this case manual injection becomes unnecessary.

public class ElectricalDroid implements Droid {
  private Battery battery;

  public ElectricalDroid(Battery battery) {
    this.battery = battery;

  /* ... */
public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideDroid(ElectricalDroid droid) {
    return droid;

Singleton injection

By default Lightsaber creates a new instance every time a dependency is requested. This behavior can be changed so that Lightsaber will return a single instance of the dependency for a given injector. All you need to do is to apply the @Singleton annotation to a class with an injectable constructor or to a provider method.

public class ElectricalDroid implements Droid {
  /* ... */
public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideDroid(ElectricalDroid droid) {
    return droid;

In the example above you can annotate just a class or just a provider method or both the class and the provider method with the @Singleton annotation and behavior will be very similar but not exactly the same.

If the ElectricalDroid is a singleton then one and only one instance of this class will be created per an injector instance. And even if the provideDroid() method is not annotated with @Singleton it will return the same instance every time it's called because it returns a singleton instance of ElectricalDroid.

On the other hand, if the ElectricalDroid class isn't a singleton the provideDroid() method annotated with @Singleton will return a cached instance of ElectricalDroid so the instance will always be the same. But if ElectricalDroid is injected somewhere else a new instance of this class will be created.

Eager injection

When using singleton injection a singleton instance is created lazily when it's accessed for the first time. If you need the instance to be created eagerly you can use the @Eager annotation with the @Singleton annotation. Eager dependencies are instantiated during creation of an Injector or a contract.

public class EagerDroid implements Droid {
  /* ... */

Lazy injection

Instead of creating a dependency instance at injection time its instantiation can be deferred until the object is really needed. For this purpose Lightsaber has a generic Lazy interface that can be injected instead of the dependency.

public class Droid {
  private Lazy<Battery> battery;

  public void charge() {

In this example a Battery instance will be created only when battery.get() is called.

Provider injection

Provider injection is somewhat similar to lazy injection with one major difference: when Provider.get() is called multiple times you can receive either the same instance of a dependency or a different instance on each invocation of the get() method. Provider injection is useful when you need to pass some arguments to a constructor of an object while other arguments should be provider by an injector.

public class Droid {
  public Droid(Battery battery, Adapter adapter) {
    /* ... */
public class DroidFactory {
  private Provider<Battery> batteryProvider;

  public Droid createDroidWithAdapter(Adapter adapter) {
    return new Droid(batteryProvider.get(), adapter);

Qualified injection

Sometimes you may want to provide different implementations of a single dependency type. You can do that by applying a qualifier annotation to a class with an injectable constructor or to a provider method. Then you need to apply the same qualifier annotation to the provided dependency at the injection point. A dependency may have either no qualifiers or a single one.

In the next example we will create a module that provides two different instances of the Droid class. To make Lightsaber distinguish between these dependencies we will annotate them with the built-in @Named qualifier.

public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideR2D2() {
    return new Droid("R2-D2");

  public Droid provideC3PO() {
    return new Droid("C-3PO");

  public Droid provideUnknownDroid() {
    return new Droid("Unknown");
public class DroidParty {
  private Droid r2d2;

  private Droid c3po;

  private Droid unknownDroid;

Custom qualifiers

Besides using the @Named qualifier you can create you own one. To do that you need to create an annotation and annotate it with the @Qualifier annotation.

public enum DroidType { R2D2, C3PO }

public @interface Model {
  DroidType value();
public class DroidModule {
  public Droid provideR2D2() {
    return new Droid("R2-D2");

  public Droid provideC3PO() {
    return new Droid("C-3PO");
public class DroidParty {
  private Droid r2d2;

  private Droid c3po;

Custom qualifiers are allowed to have any number of properties of any type. When resolving dependencies Lightsaber compares qualifiers by their types and equality of all their properties.

Generic injection

With Lightsaber you can inject dependencies of generic types. The generic dependency has to be a parameterized type and its type parameters cannot contain wildcards and type variables.

For example, these types you can use for injection:

  • List<String>
  • Map<String, Collection<String>>
  • Collection<int[]>

And these types you cannot use:

  • List<? extends CharSequence>
  • Map<String, T>

Factories (assisted injection)

In some cases you may want to instantiate an object passing some arguments to its constructor from an injector and provide some other arguments manually at the instantiation site.

Let's define a Droid class that has a constructor with two parameters: a battery and a model:

public class Droid {
  private final Battery battery;
  private final String model;
  public Droid(Battery battery, @Factory.Parameter String model) {
    this.battery = battery;
    this.model = model;
  /* ... */

Droid's constructor is annotated with @Factory.Inject annotation. This annotation means that this constructor can be used for injections but some of its arguments aren't provided by injector. Now let's define a module that will be used for providing a Battery for the Droid:

public class DroidModule {
  public Battery provideBattery() {
    return new Battery();

As you can see no String dependency is provided by the module. In order to create a Droid we have to provide a model name indirectly at the instantiation site. Lightsaber offers a way to achieve that by supporting factories that can accept any arguments and pass them to injectable constructors.

public interface DroidFactory {
  Droid assembleDroid(String model);

The factory must be an interface annotated with @Factory annotation and may contain any number of factory methods. The factory method may contain any number of parameters with unique types. If you need the factory method to contain multiple parameters of the same type they have to be annotated with different qualifiers like @Named("parameterName"). Lightsaber matches factory method's parameters with constructor's parameters annotated with @Factory.Parameter by a type and a qualifier. The injector that provides a factory must be able to provide dependencies for all constructor's parameters that aren't annotated with @Factory.Parameter.

After the factory is defined as shown above it can be injected or retrieved manually from an injector as any other dependency:

public class DroidParty {
  public DroidParty(DroidFactory factory) {
    Droid r2d2 = factory.assembleDroid("R2-D2");
    Droid c3po = factory.assembleDroid("C-3PO");

The dependency type is resolved from the return type of the factory method by default. You can change this behavior by annotating the factory method with @Factory.Return annotation with the actual dependency type as an argument:

public interface Droid {
  /* ... */

public class ElectricalDroid {
  private final Battery battery;
  private final String model;
  public Droid(Battery battery, @Factory.Parameter String model) {
    this.battery = battery;
    this.model = model;
  /* ... */

public interface DroidFactory {
  Droid assembleDroid(String model);

Provider interceptors

When writing tests you may need to substitute a real dependency with a mock. To be able to do that you can register a ProviderInterceptor when creating a Lightsaber instance and replace a provider with the one that returns mocks:

Lightsaber lightsaber = new Lightsaber.Builder()
        new ProviderInterceptor() {
          public Provider<?> intercept(ProviderInterceptor.Chain chain, Key<?> key) {
            if (key.getType() == Battery.class) {
              return new Provider<Object>() {
                public Object get() {
                  return new TestBattery();
            } else {
              return chain.proceed(key);


To simplify unit testing and dependency substitution you can add a special testing module to your project's configuration:

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'com.joom.lightsaber:lightsaber-test:1.0.0-alpha14'

This module allows you to build a ProviderInterceptor using a convenient builder API. Moreover, it supports creation of annotation proxies at runtime, so you'll be able to deal with qualified dependencies easily.

// Create a provider of Battery instances.
Provider<Battery> provider = new Provider<Battery>() {
  public Battery get() {
    return new TestBattery();

// Create a proxy for @Named("primary") annotation.
Named annotation = new AnnotationBuilder<Named>(Named.class)
    .addMember("value", "primary")

// Create a provider interceptor that replaces the primary battery with the test one.
ProviderInterceptor interceptor = new ProviderInterceptorBuilder()
    .addProviderForClass(Battery.class, annotation, provider)

// Create a Lightsaber instance for unit testing. 
Lightsaber lightsaber = new Lightsaber.Builder()


Copyright 2020 SIA Joom

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.