A SwiftUI library for rendering beautiful, animated and irregular gradient views.
Since this is a Swift package, it can be installed via the Swift Package Manager. To do this, all you gotta do is open your Xcode project, add a new depedency under File > Add Packages, search for this repo and install it. Then, it's all done!
To add an irregular gradient to your app all you gotta do is add import IrregularGradient to the file you're using and then use the irregularGradient(colors: [Color], background: () -> View, shouldAnimate: Binding<Bool> = .constant(true), speed: Double = 10) modifier.
The first, required, argument colors specifies the colors of each blob. Order and amount matters, so the colors will be stacked in the order of the array on the Z axis. Having two entries of the same color will create two completely distinct blobs of that color.
The background argument defines the background of your gradient. It's a closure that returns a view, but can also just be a simple color if you use backgroundColor instead. Not specifying this value it will make the background clear.
shouldAnimate is a boolean that specifies whether or not the gradient blobs should move. It can be enabled and disabled dinamically, and movement will always slow down to a stop. The default value is true.
The speed argument accepts a Double and defines the speed of the movement – a 0.5 speed means the blobs will update every 2 seconds. The default value is 1.
You can also use the IrregularGradient standalone view, which exists in its own container.
The current implementation of this package is done through the creation of blobs (SwiftUI's Ellipse shape) of the specified colors that move and scale randomly in the container, and are then blurred to achieve the desired effect.
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can create an issue or pull request on this GitHub repository or even contact me via Twitter or email.