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add jooq-module for jooby 2.x
i have ported the jooq-module from jooby v1 into jooby v2.
@advortsov : Can you test it? in #2410 you have asked for this jooq module. steps for local tests:
- clone my jooby fork, branch
- execute from project root dir :
mvn clean source:jar-no-fork install -DskipTests
- add following dependency into your test project
- see javadoc in class
for usage
@jknack : i ask you for a code review. Is anything more to do for accepting this merge request? Further documentation?
in my own local test project, jooq module initializsation and its usage were successfully.
instead of getting the entries via hibernate , i have used jooq: code snippet :
public class TodosApp extends Jooby {
install(new HikariModule());
install(new JOOQModule("db"));
get("/", ctx -> {
try (DSLContext dsl = require(DSLContext.class, "db")) {
return dsl.transactionResult(conf -> {
return"TodoBackendEntry").fetch().map(record -> {
TodoBackendEntry entry = new TodoBackendEntry();
entry.setId(record.getValue("ID", Long.class));
entry.setUrl(record.getValue("URL", String.class));
entry.setTitle(record.getValue("TITLE", String.class));
entry.setOrder(record.getValue("order", Long.class));
entry.setCompleted(record.getValue("COMPLETED", Boolean.class));
return entry;