set-value icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
set-value copied to clipboard

Set nested properties on an object using dot-notation.

Results 13 set-value issues
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This fixes #35 by checking if the target is an object instead of explicitly an array.

Hi, there Since our team recently upgraded set-value from v3 to v4, we found there's a severe problem dealing with numeric path. before v4 paths are treated as properties, so...

Node sure how out-of-date your benchmarking package is, but it doesn't seem to want to run, something about the file globbing just not working ```sh C:\Git\set-value\benchmark>node . Error: ENOENT: no...


Some test cases you may want to add. ``` const _ = require('lodash'); const set = require('set-value'); const spec = { a: "foo", b: { x: 12, y: 11...

I'm missing an option to insert value into Array instead of overwriting the existing value. Similar to the `merge` option that currently exists for Objects. Something like: ``` obj =...

pending review


I see a number of warnings from `yarn audit` because some project dependencies still rely on `set-value` v2 and v3. While it’s technically possible to force-install v4 via `package.json` →...

I have a use case where I need to set a value explicitly to undefined. In the current state, it's not possible to use this function to accomplish my goals....

This is my tree structure of set-value : ![image]( i want to upgrade it to 4.0.1 i tried to update set-value with latest and its parent packages but issue is...