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[Question] Is it possible to restart a test, when some step fails?
I have an application developed on Android, which I am running a few tests using the package, everything works correctly.
The problem is, when I am running all the tests, and one fails, it stays on the screen where the test failed, and it does not restart for the next test.
Is it possible to implement something similar or an option that allows doing something similar? I tried using hooks but it didn't work
Hooks code:
class ResetAppBetweenScenariosHook extends Hook {
late FlutterRunProcessHandler? _flutterRunProcessHandler;
Future<void> onAfterStep(World world, String step, StepResult stepResult) async {
if (stepResult.result == StepExecutionResult.fail ||
stepResult.result == StepExecutionResult.error ||
stepResult.result == StepExecutionResult.timeout) {
stdout.writeln('Restarting Flutter app');
final myAppWorld = world as FlutterWorld;
await myAppWorld.restartApp();
return super.onAfterStep(world, step, stepResult);