Jon Palmisciano

Results 31 issues of Jon Palmisciano

The workflow for rewriting `objc_msgSend` calls fails to rewrite tail calls, as shown here: ![image](


A bunch of information detailing the layout of local types is contained inside of Objective-C binaries and is not currently parsed. Parsing it would be a big win.


Calls to Objective-C methods defined outside the binary—e.g. NSString methods, etc.—currently can't be rewritten because there is no function inside the binary to replace the call destination with. Creating stub...


In instances where an `objc_msgSend` call has been rewritten to a direct method call, displaying the selector parameter is both not useful (since it is likely tagged, etc.) and redundant....


Objective-C method type strings can contain named types using the quote syntax, as well as structure types using curly brace syntax; see attached image. These are currently [skipped over entirely...


Some fonts look better when the space between letters is increased or decreased. Chang this manually in software such as Photoshop is tedious, and some software like Word or Excel...


There should be a way to easily print the program version like in many other CLI tools.


Currently, there is limited support for customizing the name table, and the version field is hardcoded to "Version 1.000". Ideally, users would be able to set additional name table entries...


If you are waiting for a ISPW to download to create a macOS VM, but change your WiFi network, etc. during this process, the download completely aborts, rather than pausing...