nzmqt copied to clipboard
project setup on mac
i downloaded the repository and installed zmq using brew install zmq
i still can not compile the static library is there any other step that i should do?
zmg.h file is missing?
i found the first part using brew install zmq the header is installed into /usr/local/include so i opened and changed line 64 to /usr/local/include but then i get library not found for -lzmq
when i open the and compile it, it compiles but the output is moc_nzmqt.cpp, moc_nzmqt.o, moc_predefs.h and nzmqt.o, i expect .a or .dynlib or .lib please help
I added the following lines and now nzmqt_test compiles and runs
macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.2/lib/ -lzmq
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.2/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.2/include
macx: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.2/lib/libzmq.a
i found also that the library is created in the bin folder when i compile nzmqt_staticlib where also the nzmqt_test is also placed