plotly_ipywidget_notebooks copied to clipboard
in the notebook '[Overview.ipynb]', there occurs an error. i don't know why? thank you!
Hello. First of all thank you for your work. I need to recreate the same layout you showed in the cars expolaration notebook, but the markers on the plot must...
Hello! just change `scatt=fig.add_scatter()` to `scatt =[0]`
This fix is necessary for the example to work correctly (at least using Plotly 5.3.1)
issue on
When I execute the cells of the [`Interact.ipynb`]( I get an exception after executing the last cell: ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\users\florian\.virtualenvs\data-processing-a_m7qh6p\lib\site-packages\ipywidgets\widgets\ in update(self, *args) 254...
Hi. I'm trying to make an interactive map by Plotly. I make a static map by scatter_mapbox successfully. But I fell into trouble when I tried to add an interactive...
The notebook raises some exceptions. E.g. cell `contour.colorscale = 'Hot'` raises `AttributeError: colorscale`. Seems like the code uses outdated API and the requirements file does not pin explicit package versions.
Hello, Unless error for my side FigureWidget does not work on google colab. Have you any get around for that ?