knife-preflight icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
knife-preflight copied to clipboard

doesn't work with today's chef SaaS?

Open timurb opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments server produces 500 error.

$ knife preflight sdldap
Searching for nodes containing sdldap OR sdldap::default in their expanded run_list or added via include_recipe...
ERROR: Server returned error 500 for, retrying 1/5 in 4s

Extended output:

$ knife preflight -VV sdldap
INFO: Using configuration from /Users/timurb/.chef/config.rb
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONInput#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONOutput#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::CookieManager#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Decompressor#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Authenticator#handle_request
DEBUG: Signing the request as tbatyrshin
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::RemoteRequestID#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::APIVersions#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::ValidateContentLength#handle_request
DEBUG: Initiating GET to
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Request Header Data: ----
DEBUG: Accept: application/json
DEBUG: Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
DEBUG: X-Ops-Server-API-Version: 1
DEBUG: X-OPS-SIGN: algorithm=sha1;version=1.1;
DEBUG: X-OPS-USERID: tbatyrshin
DEBUG: X-OPS-TIMESTAMP: 2017-07-27T10:18:16Z
DEBUG: X-REMOTE-REQUEST-ID: d79eb9dc-8ded-4238-b183-8ed0e11ed73b
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Request Header Data ----
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Status and Header Data: ----
DEBUG: HTTP 1.1 200 OK
DEBUG: content-encoding: gzip
DEBUG: content-type: application/json
DEBUG: date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 10:18:17 GMT
DEBUG: server: openresty/
DEBUG: x-ops-api-info: flavor=cs;version=12.0.0;oc_erchef=12.15.8+20170629175019
DEBUG: x-ops-server-api-version: {"min_version":"0","max_version":"1","request_version":"1","response_version":"1"}
DEBUG: transfer-encoding: chunked
DEBUG: connection: Close
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Status/Header Data ----
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::ValidateContentLength#handle_response
DEBUG: HTTP server did not include a Content-Length header in response, cannot identify truncated downloads.
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::APIVersions#handle_response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::RemoteRequestID#handle_response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Authenticator#handle_response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Decompressor#handle_response
DEBUG: Decompressing gzip response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::CookieManager#handle_response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONOutput#handle_response
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONInput#handle_response
Searching for nodes containing sdldap OR sdldap::default in their expanded run_list or added via include_recipe...
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONInput#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::JSONOutput#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::CookieManager#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Decompressor#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::Authenticator#handle_request
DEBUG: Signing the request as tbatyrshin
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::RemoteRequestID#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::APIVersions#handle_request
DEBUG: Chef::HTTP calling Chef::HTTP::ValidateContentLength#handle_request
DEBUG: Initiating POST to
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Request Header Data: ----
DEBUG: Content-Type: application/json
DEBUG: Accept: application/json
DEBUG: Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
DEBUG: X-Ops-Server-API-Version: 1
DEBUG: X-OPS-SIGN: algorithm=sha1;version=1.1;
DEBUG: X-OPS-USERID: tbatyrshin
DEBUG: X-OPS-TIMESTAMP: 2017-07-27T10:18:21Z
DEBUG: X-OPS-AUTHORIZATION-1: 1pJFslQXlbuk06o5fwBKvSMCm5jr1jBa7Zkcmk/dMCwL
DEBUG: X-REMOTE-REQUEST-ID: d79eb9dc-8ded-4238-b183-8ed0e11ed73b
DEBUG: Content-Length: 4
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Request Header Data ----
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Status and Header Data: ----
DEBUG: HTTP 1.1 500 Internal Server Error
DEBUG: content-type: application/json
DEBUG: date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 10:18:23 GMT
DEBUG: server: openresty/
DEBUG: x-ops-api-info: flavor=cs;version=12.0.0;oc_erchef=12.15.8+20170629175019
DEBUG: x-ops-server-api-version: {"min_version":"0","max_version":"1","request_version":"1","response_version":"1"}
DEBUG: content-length: 36
DEBUG: connection: Close
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Status/Header Data ----
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Response Body ----
DEBUG: {"error":["internal service error"]}
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Response Body -----
DEBUG: ---- HTTP Request Body ----
DEBUG: 1000
DEBUG: ---- End HTTP Request Body ----
ERROR: Server returned error 500 for, retrying 1/5 in 4s

I'm running ChefDK on MacOS:

$ chef --version
Chef Development Kit Version: 2.0.28
chef-client version: 13.2.20
delivery version: master (17c1b0fed9be4c70f69091a6d21a4cbf0df60a23)
berks version: 6.2.0
kitchen version: 1.16.0
inspec version: 1.31.1

timurb avatar Jul 27 '17 10:07 timurb