Jon Gjengset

Results 692 comments of Jon Gjengset

No, I think that's mostly it. I haven't tried the latest release on thrussh, which apparently fixes a lot of the ergonomic issues, so I think it'll mostly just require...

I'm unfortunately busy today (about to do a [Rust live-coding session]( :D), but could try to get on IRC some time tomorrow. What's your timezone?

Hehe, yes, I ran into this a while back too, and had the same realization you had that making that change isn't as straightforward as I first thought. It might...

A slight increase is to be expected I think. I wonder if with this lock, we can now also get rid of the additional thread that does dropping? That might...

Ah, you're right, there isn't a drop thread, I was just getting things mixed up in my head. But yes, I wonder whether we can get rid of the `leaving`...

Ah, yes, those idle cycles stem from There is at least one case where the readers race with the writer and may not successfully wake it up, so the...

@xixixao Would you be up for writing up a quick PR that adds this note to the README? Seems completely reasonable to me :+1:

Hmm, I think the 0-length case degenerates entirely, because the head and tail will always point to the same value, which I'm sure triggers some weird infinite loops or something....

Absolutely! Something along those lines I'd be happy to merge.

@MJDSys still interested in writing up a PR for this?