Jon Gallant

Results 68 issues of Jon Gallant

This is an effort to modularize our bicep files so the resource definitions are in one place in azure-dev repo

We have noticed that people think they have to provide the -t parameter every time they run azd up. So, isntead of using -t in the README, we tell them...

We'll need to ensure that the value set in AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP is a valid resource group name. --- Not need to fix in this PR, but do we need to check...

Let's add info about the cspell extension to the contributing doc. --- Not necessarily for this PR, but we should also mention the cspell extension for VS Code, which allows...

We can now run CI pipelines in devcontainers, just like we do with linux/windows/mac. Here's more info: Let's add this to our templates tests.


Today `azd pipeline config` supports GitHub workflows. Let's also add support for Azure DevOps Pipelines A sample pipeline and full instructions in README to get it all setup can be...


When I run the app, I get very little output. It looks like it hangs here: ![image]( We should have verbose output here.


Please add azd up to tests and ensure that output param is passed to infra create.


Here: Asks me to fork and clone either azure-cli or azure-cli-extension, but doesn't tell me why I need to do that. I'm trying to build an extension that I...

help wanted

I'm trying to create a new cli extension project from a blank foldre using azdev It wasn't clear to me what "Input the paths for the extension repos you wish...
