ILoveEpiserver copied to clipboard
A store for all useful things Episerver related. Contains loads useful code snippets ranging from Episerver 6 onwards
#ILoveEpiserver :heart_eyes: - By JONDJONES.COM
#ILoveEpiserver is an on-going colloboration for all useful things Episerver related. This repo contains code snippets ranging from Episerver 6 onwards.
:star: Don't forget to star this app as it's updated frequently :star:
This is an open-source repo. If you would like to add something or correct a mistake, please open a PR.
:rocket: Getting Started
- Developer Set-up
- Things I Use
Code Examples
- Adding Custom CSS Into Epi
- Admin Section
- Breadcrumb
- Content Import With JSON
- Custom Area Widget
- Custom Content Area
- Custom Episerver Navigation
- Custom View In Asset Panel
- Dojo Widget
- Form That Posts Back To A Controller
- Login Block
- Lowercase Url Module
- Pagetype Partials
- Partial Router
- Scheduled Task
- Search Provicder
- Unit Testing A Controller
My Repos
Base Build: My Episerver base build. I use this project as the starting point for all new Greenfield projects I work on. the project slowly improves and changes pver time. It essneital covers all the best practice techniques I reommend when building a website within Episerver.
Blog: Blog written within Episerver CMS
Donut Caching Website: Sample Episerver website that implements donut caching. This is the repo I showed off in my Epsierver meet-up presentation
Mega Menu Example with a mega-menu and all the pages and blocks that go with it
Parallax Sample Site: Sample Parallax Episerver website built with blocks.
SignalR: SignalR
Episerver Deployment Tool Simple Devops Tool. Will Delete All Tables From Your Episerver website and re-populate them using Initialze-epidatabase. Useful for DXC as you can't delete and re-create a new database.
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Open an issue or a pull request to suggest changes or additions.
If you like the content you find here, and want to support more content like it and you'd like to contribute financially towards the effort (or any of my other, I do have a patreon that I would always appreciate your generosity towards.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License