Jon Ison
Jon Ison
please head over to to add this to the list of checks
Just to chip in here with a reminder of _bio.tools_ scope _vis-à-vis_ tools and packages - aims to be a registry of _unique_ tool functionality, which means the default...
Develop transforms for interconversion of biotoolsSchema XML with other formats e.g. YAML and JSON, with mechanism for auto-conversion and to preserve [validation and error reporting ]( as required. - auto-manage...
Automated methods for updating entries with links from other projects, e.g. links to packages, containers, online services, benchmark results *etc.*
The _bio.tools_ curators should not be overloaded with pull requests - use GitHub handle (of GitHub user / annotated in _bio.tools_ entry) as means to automatically accept "trusted" pull requests
Mechanism for periodic and on-demand update of back-end database from GitHub, or conversely, update of GitHub from this database, to support updates of with changes from GitHub and...
Automated methods for entry creation in case a tool has been packaged, containerised, made available as Galaxy service, has been benchmarked etc. but is not yet registered in
Should we preserve the existing ownership and editing rights model, extend it, or abandon it? - rights should be preserved if an individual or institute want this (there are current...
We'd need, I think, to tweak the existing "credit" model : ``credit->typeEntity`` would be "Person" and ``credit->typeRole`` would be "Documentor" We'd need to add ``githubid`` (GitHub User ID) -...