Jonathan Chun

Results 35 comments of Jonathan Chun

Some prelim research: ``` While I'm at it, should look into alternatives for all the default dock icons on macOS. Here's all of them on a fresh dock: Finder, Siri,...

After testing out a the few products available, I'm pretty certain I will ship LibreOffice by default. There's just nothing else that compares. For a mail app, all of the...

Definitely will need some sort of "advanced install" page where users can check boxes or something to unselect these apps because with this decision I've long since past the "non-invasive"...

Removed the NC for now, but leaving this issue open because IMO this is a blocker before I can add it back

Disabled albert install, but still need to look into how to map application dashboard to control+space

I've noticed that the application dashboard widget can sometimes be a little slow to pop up. Might have to look for (yet another) alternative. Maybe just k-runner?

> Could ulauncher be a good alternative? I've looked at ulauncher and from light usage I don't think it felt very good to use at all. The styling felt really...

@RedBearAK Point taken. Back when I was actively working on this project, that was definitely the primary reason behind using Albert. I think further dev might have happened on Albert...

Currently all of the apt dependencies for each module: ``` Module: hotkeys ibus xbindkeys xdotool Module: lookandfeel build-essential cmake curl extra-cmake-modules g++ gettext kinit-dev kwin-dev libkdecorations2-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5crash-dev...

Here are the git repositories that are currently being pulled from right now: ``` Module: hotkeys kinto: Module: lookandfeel macify_linux_lookandfeel: No git repo available custom_wallpaper: No git repo available...