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Blackstar id BEAM
I just tested with a blackstar ID beam, when I try to connect I get:
DEVICE ID 27d4:0020 on Bus 002 Address 003 =================
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x1 Device
bcdUSB : 0x200 USB 2.0
bDeviceClass : 0x0 Specified at interface
bDeviceSubClass : 0x0
bDeviceProtocol : 0x0
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor : 0x27d4
idProduct : 0x0020
bcdDevice : 0x111 Device 1.11
iManufacturer : 0x1 Blackstar Amplifiers
iProduct : 0x2 ID:Core BEAM Amp
iSerialNumber : 0x0
bNumConfigurations : 0x1
CONFIGURATION 1: 100 mA ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x2 Configuration
wTotalLength : 0xde (222 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x4
bConfigurationValue : 0x1
iConfiguration : 0x0
bmAttributes : 0xc0 Self Powered
bMaxPower : 0x32 (100 mA)
INTERFACE 0: Human Interface Device ====================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x0
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x2
bInterfaceClass : 0x3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x0
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x81: Interrupt IN ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 IN
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x1
ENDPOINT 0x1: Interrupt OUT ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x1 OUT
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x1
INTERFACE 1: Audio =====================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x1
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x0
bInterfaceClass : 0x1 Audio
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x1
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
INTERFACE 2: Audio =====================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x2
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x0
bInterfaceClass : 0x1 Audio
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x2
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
INTERFACE 2, 1: Audio ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x2
bAlternateSetting : 0x1
bNumEndpoints : 0x1
bInterfaceClass : 0x1 Audio
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x2
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x3: Isochronous OUT ========================
bLength : 0x9 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x3 OUT
bmAttributes : 0x9 Isochronous
wMaxPacketSize : 0x120 (288 bytes)
bInterval : 0x4
INTERFACE 3: Audio =====================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x3
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x0
bInterfaceClass : 0x1 Audio
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x2
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
INTERFACE 3, 1: Audio ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x3
bAlternateSetting : 0x1
bNumEndpoints : 0x1
bInterfaceClass : 0x1 Audio
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x2
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x82: Isochronous IN ========================
bLength : 0x9 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x82 IN
bmAttributes : 0x5 Isochronous
wMaxPacketSize : 0x120 (288 bytes)
bInterval : 0x4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/outsider-0.1.1.dev0+g70e0be5.d20170725-py3.5.egg/outsider/outsider.py", line 464, in on_connectToAmpButton_clicked
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/outsider-0.1.1.dev0+g70e0be5.d20170725-py3.5.egg/outsider/outsider.py", line 142, in connect
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/outsider-0.1.1.dev0+g70e0be5.d20170725-py3.5.egg/blackstarid/blackstarid.py", line 407, in connect
self.model = self.amp_models[dev.idProduct]
KeyError: 32
Is it compatible?
Hello. I think you could try to add the id to the blackstar.py, where amp_models are defined. I added one for my V2 and got this thing running. Try modifying it to be:
amp_models = {
0x0001: 'id-tvp',
0x0010: 'id-core',
0x0011: 'id-coreV2',
0x0020: 'id-beam'