ads_bibdesk copied to clipboard
works in sierra?
does work for you in sierra 10.12.1? if yes, then its just me. if no, any suggestions?
I found that adsbibdesk does not work anymore on my 10.10 OSX since a few days. Looking for ArXiv papers is ok, but no access to ADS. Ch.
i resolved mine. it appeared to be a combination of either rebooting and/or ads being down for a few days. maybe the latter since you also mention the last few days.
Seems the bibtex information starts again, but no PDF download.
maybe check or reset your ~/.adsbibdesk .
i prefer to handle the pdf files by-hand myself (i'm adamant about no arxiv stuff in my bibdesk master library) so i run with download_pdf=False . however, as a singular test, i ran with download_pdf=True on a recent mnras article and the appropriate arxiv pdf was inserted into bibdesk.
if you post the doi or ads string of the specific article you are trying, i'll give a whirl to see if it works for me.
i've found it can be useful to insert various statements into and invoking the local modified copy ./ directly to get a better sense of what its doing under various circumstances.
I installed on sierra 10.12.5 and kept getting the following error message. Any idea where the problem is? Thanks
Starting ADS to BibDesk
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/adsbibdesk", line 11, in
my 10.12.5 adsbibdesk is at /usr/local/bin/adsbibdesk and uses /usr/bin/python.
appears you have adsbibdesk within a macports framework. maybe try the above.
good luck!
Excellent. Work like a charm now. Thanks.