ui-screen-shooter copied to clipboard
Should build texture atlasses, but copies them
I have a SpriteKit project which uses texture atlasses. (Xcode 6.2, Mavericks 10.9.5) These are directories named like "Shield.atlas" and they contain a few image file. When the project is built by Xcode, it "compiles" these directories and the result is a "Shield.atlasc" in the built app which contains a single png file and a plist file describing the location of the individual textures in the new png file. The build log in Xcode shows, that this tool is used:
In the output of the screen shooter script it shows:
CpResource path/to/Shield.atlas /tmp/screen_shooter/app.app/Shield.atlas
cd /path/to/my/project
export PATH="my path environment"
builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /path/to/Shield.atlas /tmp/screen_shooter/app.app
So I assume that somewhere .atlas resources must be handled special.
Is this something which needs to fixed in my project, or in ui-screen-shooter?
(I do not yet know all the features of Xcode and I may miss some simple setting somewhere which may solve that already.)