ui-screen-shooter copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault: 11 error
I copied
To root project folder, try to run ./ui-screen-shooter.sh
And after cleaning got error (only for the first run): ./ui-screen-shooter.sh: line 103: 45211 Bus error: 10
Clean.Remove clean /Users/petrkorolev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/EconomicCalendar-gkqposcfrltfxocwxldozxpntlvm/Build/Intermediates/PrecompiledHeaders/Pods-DTFoundation-prefix-ajekpypvzzkmescxwqrvatwyqmku/Pods-DTFoundation-prefix.pch.pch
builtin-rm -rf /Users/petrkorolev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/EconomicCalendar-gkqposcfrltfxocwxldozxpntlvm/Build/Intermediates/PrecompiledHeaders/Pods-DTFoundation-prefix-ajekpypvzzkmescxwqrvatwyqmku/Pods-DTFoundation-prefix.pch.pch
./ui-screen-shooter.sh: line 103: 45211 Bus error: 10 xcodebuild -sdk "iphonesimulator$ios_version" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$build_dir/build" -workspace "$base.xcworkspace" -scheme "$base" -configuration Debug DSTROOT=$build_dir OBJROOT=$build_dir SYMROOT=$build_dir GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='$GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS SCREENSHOTS=1' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO "$@"
And all next attempts to run got another error: ./ui-screen-shooter.sh: line 103: 51123 Segmentation fault: 11
Check dependencies
./ui-screen-shooter.sh: line 103: 51123 Segmentation fault: 11 xcodebuild -sdk "iphonesimulator$ios_version" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$build_dir/build" -workspace "$base.xcworkspace" -scheme "$base" -configuration Debug DSTROOT=$build_dir OBJROOT=$build_dir SYMROOT=$build_dir GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='$GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS SCREENSHOTS=1' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO "$@"
Can't figure out what cause this error. (With your example all works fine)
Some more info: the script try to run this command:
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/screen_shooter/build -workspace EconomicCalendar.xcworkspace -scheme EconomicCalendar -configuration Debug DSTROOT=/tmp/screen_shooter OBJROOT=/tmp/screen_shooter SYMROOT=/tmp/screen_shooter GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=' SCREENSHOTS=1' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO clean build
And it split error:
Check dependencies [1] 61538 segmentation fault xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace EconomicCalendar.xcworkspace
after removing one option (OBJROOT=/tmp/screen_shooter) this command works fine!
What is this option is using for?
I found workaround by delete these strings:
DSTROOT=$build_dir \
OBJROOT=$build_dir \
SYMROOT=$build_dir \
from: https://github.com/jonathanpenn/ui-screen-shooter/blob/master/ui-screen-shooter.sh#L118-L120 https://github.com/jonathanpenn/ui-screen-shooter/blob/master/ui-screen-shooter.sh#L127-L129
Now it's works, but I would like to know what the reason of this strings and why this error occur.
What version of Xcode are you running?
latest: Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
I think it's not a problem of IDE, because your example, clonned to this mac is works and other my project work perfect. Problem with one separate project. I checked all r/w rights of files. It looks the same as others.
BTW: the workaround in my prev comment help to build, but scripts fails, because it can't find app in expected destination.
So, I completley fix this by replace tmp_dir="/tmp"
to tmp_dir="~/tmp"
my /tmp
dir is:
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11B Sep 18 17:06 tmp -> private/tmp