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How to use GetMiddleware to stop route?
I have a Verify the password page,and when I submit the right password ,it will run a function from last page. like:
Get.toNamed(, arguments: () {
And the GetTest2Page is the Verify the password page. I want do it If the password has been entered within the last half hour,then don't need to enter password again ,and go to the GetTest3Page。
Like this:
RouteSettings? redirect(String? route) {
var func = Get.arguments ?? () {};
if (func is Function) {;
return null;
But how I stop the current route, do not go to GetTest2Page then to GetTest3Page?
I try like this, but it throw a error
GetPage? onPageCalled(GetPage? page) {
return null;
what should I do ? Please help me !
same issue, how to solve it ?
same issue