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No action from WillPopScope with GetRouterOutlet
Describe the bug Have been trying GetRouterOutlet to work with the routing, and did simple pages to test it. However, using WillPopScope seems to be affected when tapped. Follow the code below.
class RootPage extends GetView<AuthController> {
const RootPage ({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GetRouterOutlet.builder(
builder: (context, delegate, currentRoute) {
return WillPopScope(
onWillPop: () async {
return false; **<-- theoretically should not pop, but it is.**
child: Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
body: controller.obx(
(state) => GetRouterOutlet(
delegate: delegate,
initialRoute: Routes.dashboard,
onError: (_) => GetRouterOutlet(initialRoute: Routes.login))),
/***MATERIAL APP ****/
class AppWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const AppWidget({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GetMaterialApp.router(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: AppTheme.appTheme,
getPages: AppRoute.routes,
initialBinding: GlobalBindings(),
defaultTransition: Transition.noTransition,
The behaviour expected, according to the code above is to not get back, as you could see it's false. However, is getting back to the previous page.
Flutter Version: Flutter 2.10.4 Engine • revision 57d3bac3dd Tools • Dart 2.16.2 • DevTools 2.9.2
Getx Version: get: ^4.6.5
Describe on which device you found the bug: ex: Android Mobile Phone
Did you find anty solution?
you can try this
class MyBackButtonDispatcher extends RootBackButtonDispatcher {
Future<bool> didPopRoute() async {
var currentPageName = Get.rootDelegate.currentConfiguration?.currentPage!.name;
if (currentPageName!.startsWith("/user")) {
// cant back
return true;
// back
return super.didPopRoute();
return GetMaterialApp.router(
title: "Application",
initialBinding: BindingsBuilder(
() {
getPages: AppPages.routes,
theme: themeData,
backButtonDispatcher: MyBackButtonDispatcher(),