easy copied to clipboard
On Disable null safety the type FcBuilderFunc is not found
in easy_store.dart file the type FcBuilderFunc is not found.
static void lazyPut<S>(FcBuilderFunc builder, {String tag}) { return GetInstance().lazyPut<S>(builder, tag: tag); }
C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/easy-3.0.1/lib/src/easy_store.dart:6:26: Error: Type 'FcBuilderFunc' not found. static void lazyPut<S>(FcBuilderFunc builder, {String tag}) {
FcBuilderFuncAsync too fail.
Flutter running in Windows 10 System easy: ^3.0.1 get: ^3.26.0 (optional flutter pub add get)