wav2vec2-sprint copied to clipboard
Hello Everyone, I'm currently working on a project involving Wav2vec2 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. Specifically, I'm trying to generate an N-best list of hypotheses using the Wav2vec2 ASR. I've...
Hi, bro, very appreciate for your work. The method to load the model can directly get the word. But I want the phoneme. Do you know how to get the...
Hello, do you have any idea how to export the models to the onnx format? I tried a script from huggingface: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/src/transformers/convert_graph_to_onnx.py but it gives an error: `Error while converting...
I am using common voice dataset, and the language is zh-CN. But when I upload to HF, it will show YAML Metadata Error: "language[0]" must only contain lowercase characters for...
Hi Jonatas, I'm trying replicate your performance about to fine-tuned facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b on Italian using the train and validation splits of Common Voice 8.0 but I can't get nearly the same...
Hi, thanks for your wav2vec2 fine-tuning scripts first. Recently, I used this script (run_common_voice.py) to fine-tune the newest **Hubert model** for ASR on Chinese language (zh-CN). Hubert basically has the...
Hello! Congrats on the repo! One question, what dataset you used for fine-tuning the Wav2Vec2-XLSR-German-53 and how long was the data? It was only German language, right?
Hello, I am trying to launch run_common_voice.py but I got this error "argument --gradient_checkpointing: conflicting option string: --gradient_checkpointing". I ran stript like finetune.sh
hey @jonatasgrosman , could you please tell me how much of performance improvements did you see after doing the noise augmentation steps, i have also found additional audio augmentations, would...
Hi Jonatas, I'm trying to replicate your performance on the dutch language but can't get nearly the same WER. What are the parameters you use to train the final model?...