Jonas Wrede

Results 47 comments of Jonas Wrede

> I assume the webview can handle iframes? If it can do so for localhost domains then it might work as is in Flutter? Yes that would work. Not to...

If we can create iOS Native binaries a Flutter App would be awesome. I'm soon on vacation, i'll get an offline version of the tech book and try to get...

> Yep, we're also trying to hold off on putting server's on everyone's device until we can build in anonymity protection into libp2p. Otherwise the risks are too high, and...

> We can easily get read-only offline by just caching what you want access to. We could also allow a "work offline" mode when all writes are cached until you...

> One possibility to enable interacting with peers offline is to use local transports like bluetooth or mdns. If that's combined with document types that are CRDTs then you can...

I've been having socket issuse lately (in general not with peergos). For me restarting winnat solves it. But it will be broken after each restart. I think some windows updated...

Hey, Would you run a peergos instance in the browser? As I unterstand brave does this with ipfs:// but the reason for that is it directly uses ipfs to load...

Yes sorry, just had the idea to look into the tech book.

Any news? Iazka talked about 4 standards could you provide information. And has anybody started working on it?

Is it now acceptable? And I have one more question. Whats standards need to be meet for an app to go to stable?