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Dependently typed convolutional neural networks


Dependently typed convolutional neural networks in pure Haskell. Uses the repa library for high-performance arrays, with a static wrapper that ensures networks are valid at compile-time.


type BatchSize = 100
type MNIST = Network (ZZ ::. BatchSize ::. 1 ::. 28 ::. 28)
                     '[ Convolution 5 1 13 13 16 16
                      , Pool
                      , ReLU
                      , Flatten
                      , FC 320 10
                      , MultiSoftMax '[10] ]
                     (ZZ ::. BatchSize ::. 10)

mnist = randomNetwork seed :: MNIST

see visor or convoluted-mnist for examples.


I borrowed heavily from Huw Campbell's grenade, and like the author of that library, from Justin Le's blog posts on dependently typed neural networks.