tig icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tig copied to clipboard

Text-mode interface for git

Tig: text-mode interface for Git

:docext: adoc

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What is Tig?

Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git commands.


  • Homepage: https://jonas.github.io/tig/[]
  • Manual: https://jonas.github.io/tig/doc/manual.html[]
  • Tarballs: https://github.com/jonas/tig/releases[]
  • Git URL: git://github.com/jonas/tig.git
  • Gitter: https://gitter.im/jonas/tig[]
  • Q&A: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tig[]

Bugs and Feature Requests

Bugs and feature requests can be reported using the https://github.com/jonas/tig/issues[issue tracker] or by mail to either the Git mailing list or directly to the maintainer. Ensure that the word "tig" is in the subject. For other Tig related questions please use Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tig[].

Installation and News

Information on how to build and install Tig are found in link:INSTALL.{docext}[the installation instructions].

News about releases and latest features and bug fixes are found in link:NEWS.{docext}[the release notes].